Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 6.djvu/507

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Jacan. See Benejaacan.

Jachnnan (Jos., xii, 22), an unknown place about Mt. Carmel.

Jngur (Jos., xv, 21; S. Juda). Unknown. Jamnia (I Mach., xiv, 15, etc.), a town of the Sephela: Yebna.

Janoe, 1 (Jos., xv, 6; xvi, 7 ; Ephraim) : Yanun, S.E. of NaplOs.— 2 (IV Kings, xv, 29; Nephtali): Yanuh, E. of Tyre, according to some; more prob. HClnun, S. of the Merj 'Aiyfln.

Janum (Jos., xv, 53; mount, of Juda), poss. Beni Nairn, E. of Hebron.

Japhie (Jos., xix, 12; Zabulon): Yafa, S.W. of Nazareth.

Jaramolh (Jos., xxi, 29 ; Issachar), called Ramoth in I Par., vi, 73, Heb. 58). Unidentified.

Jarephel (Jos., xviii, 27; Benjamin): Raphat, N. of El-Jib.

Jasa (Num., xxi, 23; Jer., xlviii,21 ; Moab. S., L 19); Onomasticon: "between Madaba and Dibon": Umm el-Walid (? Musil).

Jaser (Jos., xxi, 36). See Jasa. — 2. See Jazer. Jassa. See Jasa.

Jazer (Num., xxxii, 1, etc.; Transjord.), prob. Kh. S3,r, W. of Amman.

Jeabarim (Num., xxi, 11, etc.). See Ijeabarim. Jeblaam (Jos., xvii, 11 ; Issachar) ; Egypt.: Ihm'amA : Kh. Bel'ameh, 8. of Jenin.

Jebnael (Jos., xix, 33; Nephtali): Yenima, between Thabor and the S. end of the L. of Tiberias. Jebneel. See Jamnia. Jeboc: the same as Jaboc. Jehus. See Jerds.\lem.

Jecmaam (I Par., vi, 68, Heb. 53), also Jecmaan (III Kings, iv, 12). In the parallel list of Jos., xxi, 22, Cibsaim is to be found. Text doubtful.

Jecrunn (Jos., xxi, 34 ; Zabulon) : prob. Tell Qaimdn, E. of Mt. Carmel.

Jeconam (Jos., xix, 11). See Jecnam. Jedehel (IV Ivings, xiv, 7), name given to Petra by Amasias, King of Juda. See Petra.

Jeclhel (Jos., xv, 38; Sephela). Unknown. Jedala (Jos., xix, 15; Zabulon): Jeida, S. of Bethle- hem of Zabulon.

Jegbaa (Judges, viii, 11; Transjord.): Ajeblhat, E. of Es-Salt.

Jehoshaphat, A.V. for Josaphat. Jemnaa. See Jamnia.

Jephtha (Jos., xv, 43 ; plain of Juda). An unidenti- fied place, S.E. of Beit Jibrin. Jericho (q.v.).

Jerimoth (Jos., x, 23, 35; Sephela): Kh. Yarmuk, 6 m. N.N.E. of Beit Jibrin.

Jerimuth (II Esd., xi, 29). See Jerimoth. Jeron (Jos., xix, 38; Nephtali): Yarun, W. of L. Huleh.

Jerusalem (q.v.).

Jcsonia (III Kings, XV, 17): 'Ain Siniya.N.of Beitin. Perhaps should be read also instead of Sen, I Kings, vii, 12.

Jesimon, 1 (Num., xxi, 20 ; xxiii, 28 ; Moab) desert N. of the Dead Sea, and E. of the lower Jordan. — 2 (I Kings, xxiii, 15 etc.) country between the deserts of Ziph and of Maon, and Engaddi. Jesse (Judith, i, 9), for Gessen. Jesue ill Esd., xi, 26; S. Juda): I\h. Saweh, E. of Bersabee.

Jetit (Jos., xxi, 16; Juda-Simeon) : Yutta, S. of Hebron.

Jeteba (IV Kings, xxi, 19), birthplace of Messale- meth, Manasses' wife, prob. in Juda, but unknown.

Jetebatha (Deut., x, 7), station of the Israelites be- tween Cades and Asiongaber. Unknown.

Jethela (Jos., xix, 42; Dan): Beit Till, S.E. of Yalo. Jether (Jos., xv, 48; mount, of Juda): 'Attir, be- tween Hebron and Bersabee.

Jelhnam (Jos., xv, 23; S. Juda). Unknown.

Jelhson (Jos., xxi, 36). So Vulg., prob. by mistake; in other texts, Cademoth.

Jezer. See Jazer.

Jezrncl, 1 (Jos., xvii, 16, etc.; Issachar): Zerain, S.W. of Jebel Nebi Dahi (Little Hermon).— 2 (Jos., XV, 56; I Kings, xxvii, 3; Juda), in the neighbourhood of Carmel and Ziph. Unknown.

Jim (Jer., xxvi, 18; S. Juda): perh. Beit 'Awwa, not far from Bersabee.

Joppe. See Jaffa.

Jordan (q.v.).

Josaphat (Joel, iii, 2, 12), prob. an allegorical name: "the valley wherein Y'ahweh shall judge".

Jota (Jos., XV, 55). See Jeta.

Jucadam (Jos., xv, 56; mount, of Juda); apparently S.E. of Hebron. Unidentified.

Jud (Jos., xix, 45; Dan): El-Yehudiyeh. N. of Lydda.

Jiula (q.v.).

Judea (q.v.).

Laban (Deut., i, 1), station of the Israelites in their journey from Sinai to Cades. Unknown.

Labanalh (Jos., xix, 26), is separated in Vulg. from preceding word, to which it should be joined: Sihor Labanath. See Sihor.

Lacedemon (II Mach., v, 9). See Sparta.

Lnhela (I Par., v, 26), a mistake for "to Hala", a region of Assyria.

Lahem (I Par., iv, 22; the text is not clear). Un- known.

Lai's. See Dan.

Laisa (Is., x, 30; I Mach., ix, 5): IQi. Q'aqAl, W. of

Lampsacus (I Mach., xv, 23), a city of Mysia, on the Hellespont, possibly a mistake for Sampsame : Sam- sun, a little seaport between Sinope and Trebizond, on the Black Sea.

Laodicea. (Col., ii, 1, etc.; q.v.).

Lebaoth (Jos., xv, 32). See Beth Leba'oth.

Lebna, 1 (Num., xxxiii, 20) a station of the Israel- ites in the journey from Sinai to Cades. Unknown. — 2 (Jos., X, 31; Sephela): poss. Kh. el-Bendwy, 10 m. S.E. of Lachis.

Leborm (Judges, xxi, 19): El-Lfibban, S. of Naplus.

Lehi (Judges, xv, 17; D.V. "jawbone"): Kh. 'Am el-Ijchi has been proposed, but is very doubtful ; the above Arab, name seems to be rather 'Ain 'Allek.

Lecum (Jos., xix, 33; Nephtali), site unknown, prob- ably in the neighbourhood of L. Hiileh.

Lehemun (Jos., xv, 40 ; plain of Juda), Kh. el-Labm, S. of Beit Jibrin.

Lesa (Gen., x, 19X poss. Callirrhoe (St. Jerome): Hammam ez-Zergd, E. of the Dead Sea.

Lesem (Jos., xix, 47). See Dan.

Lobna (Jos., xxi, 13), the same as Lebna 2.

Lod (I Par., viii, 12, etc.): El-Ludd. See Sebaste.

Lodabar (II Kings, ix, 4, etc.; Transjord.) Greek has Daibon : text unsettled.

Luith (Is., XV, 5; Jer., xlviii, 5; Moab): ICh. Fas (Musil) ; Nuchln (de Saulcy) ; hardly identified.

Luza, 1 (Gen., xxviii, 19, etc.), an old name for Bethel.— 2 (Judges,!, 26) A city of the Hethites,perh. Luweiziyeh, N.W. of Tell el-Qadl.

Lyda (I Mach.,xi, 34), Lydda (Acts, ix, 32, etc.). Lod.

Li/stra. 1 (Acts, xiv, 8, etc.), a city of Lycaonia: Khatyn Serai.— 2 (Acts,_ xxvii, 5), in some MSS., a mistake for Myra in Lycia.

Maara of the Sidonians (Jos., xiii, 4): possibly "the cave" of Jezzin, about 9 m. E. of Sidon; but the text seems corrupt and should perhaps be read: "from Gaza to Sidon".

Macces (III Kings, iv, 9 ; Dan). Unknown.

Maceda (Jos., x, 10, etc.), poss. El-MOghar, in the neighbourhood of Accaron.

Maceloth (Num., xxxiii, 25), station of the Israelites on the journey from Sinai to Cades: prob. Maqehelat.