Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 7.djvu/142

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Hail Mary into four portions, and declares that the first part was composed by the Angel Gabriel, the second by St. Elizabeth, the third, consisting only of the Sacred Name, Jesus Christus, by the popes, and the last, i.e. the word Amen, by the Church.

The Hail Mary as a Prayer. — It was often made a subject of reproach against the Catholics by the Reformers that the Hail Mary which they so con- stantly repeated was not properly a prayer. It was a greeting which contained no petition (see, e.g. Latimer, Works, II, 229-:!0). This objection would seem to have long been felt, and as a consequence it was not uncommon during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries for those who recited their Aves privately to add some clause at the end, after the words " ventris tui Jesus". Traces of thLs practice meet us partic- ularly in the verse paraphrases of the Ave which date from this period. The most famous of is that attributed, though incorrectly, to Dante, and be- longing in any case to the first half of the fourteenth century. In this paraphrase the Hail Mary ends with the following words: —

O Vergin benedetta, sempre tu

Ora per noi a Dio, che ci perdoni, E diaci grazia a viver si quaggiu Che'l paradiso al nostro finci doni; Oh blessed Virgin, pray to Ciod for us al- ways, that He may pardon us and give us grace, so to live here below that He may reward us with paradise at our death.

Comparing the versions of the Ave existing in various languages, e.g. Italian, Spanish, German, Provencal, we find that there is a general tendency to conclude with an appeal for sinners and especially for help at the hour of death. Still a good deal of variety prevailed in these forms of petition. At the close of the fifteenth century there was not any officially approved conclusion, though a form closely resem- bling our present one was sometimes designated as " the prayer of Pope Alexander VI" (see " Der Katho- lik", April, 1903, p. ?.34). and was engraved separately on bells (Beissel, " Verehrung Marias", p. 460). But for liturgical purposes the Ave down to the year 15(i8 ended with "Jesus, Amen", and an observation in the "Myroure of our Lady" written for the Bridgettine nuns of Syon, clearly indicates the general feeling. "Some saye at the begynnyng of this salutacyon Ave benigne Jesu and some saye after 'Maria mater Dei', with other addycyons at the ende also. And such thinges may be saide when folke saye their Aves of theyr own devocyon. But in the servyce of the chyrche, I trowe it to be moste sewer and moste medeful (i.e. meritorious) to obey the comon use of saying, as the chyrche hath set, without all such ad- dicions."

We meet the Ave as we know it now-, printed in the breviary of the Camaldolese monks, and in that of the Order de Mercede c. 1,514. Probably this, the current form of Ave, came from Italy, and Esser iisserts that it is to be found, written exactly as w'e say it now in the handwriting of St. Antoninus of Florence who died in 14.59. This, however, is doubtful. What is certain is that an Ave Maria identical with our own, except for the omi.ssion of the single word nostra, stands printed at the head of a little work of Savonarola's issupfl in 1495, of which there is a copy in the British Mu- seum. Even earlier than this, in a French edition of the "Calendar of Shepherds" which appeared in 1493, a third part is added to the Hail Mary, which is repeated in Pynson's English translation a few- years later in the form: "Holy Mary moder of God praye for us synners. Amen". In an illustration which appears in the same book, the pope and the whole Church are depicted kneeling before our Lady and greeting her with this third part of the .-^ve. The official recognition of the Ave Maria in its complete

form, though foreshadowed in the words of the Cate- chism of the Council of Trent, as quoted at the be- ginning of this article, was finally given in the Roman Breviary of 1508.

One or two other points connected with the Hail Mary can only be briefly touched upon. It would seem that in the Middle Ages the Ave often became so closely connected with the Pater noster, that it was treated as a sort of jarsura, or in.sertion, liefore the words et ne dos uuluca.s in lentatiunem when the Pater noster was said secreto (see several examples quoted in "The Month", Nov., 1901, p. 490). The practice of preachers interrupting their sermons near the beginning to say the Ave Maria seems to have been introduced in the Middle Ages and to be of Franciscan origin (Beissel, p. 2.54). A curious illustration of its retention among English Catholics in the reign of James II may be found in the "Diary" of Mr. John Thoresby (I, 182). It may also be noticed that although modern Catholic usage is agreed in favouring the form "the Lord is with thee", this is a compara- tively recent development. The more general custom a century ago was to say " niir Lord is with thee", and Cardinal Wiseman in one of his essays strongly repro- bates the change (Essays on Various Subjects, I, 70), characterizing it as "stiff, canti-sh and destructive of the unction which the prayer breathes". Finally it may be noticed that in some places, and notably in Ireland, the feeling still survives that the Hail Mary is complete with the word Jc.sus. Indeed the writer is informed that within living memory it was not uncom- mon for Irish peasants, when bidden to say Hail Marys for a penanee, to ask whether they were re- quired to say the Holy Marys too. Upon the Ave Maria in the .sense of Angelus, see Angf.lus. On ac- count of its connexion with the Angelus, the Ave Maria was often inscribed on bells. One such bell at Eskild in Denmark, dating from al)Out the year 1200, bears the Ave Maria engraved upon it in runic characters. (See Uldall, "Danmarks Middelalderlige Kirkeklokker ", Copenhagen. 1900, p. 22.)

Probst in Kirrhcnlcr., s. v. Ave Maria; Mabii.lon, Acta SS. O. S. B.. smc. V, pref. 169 sqq.; de Buck, Ada SS.. Oct., VII, 1008 .sqq.; Esser in Hlitorisches Jahrbuch. 1S84, .S8 sq. and 1902. 247 sq.; Thurbton in The Mmtli. Nov., 1901. pp. 4K:i-99; liecherches nistoHques sur t'Ave Marin in the Mout BilitinoTa- phiquc. June, 189."), pp. 243-51 ; Zur Gctchichte der A ve Maria in Der Kalhotik (.Mainz). May, 1903, pp. 3:j3~7; Kehkei.v, Paler Noster unJ .ive .Maria (Frankfort, 168.')); Uridgett. Our Lady's Dou'ny. 3rd ii, c. 4. and append., p. 482; Waterto.v. Pie- las .\Iariana Brilannica (London, 18791. pt. I, pp. 14:!-69; Ger- main in Revue de V Art Chretien (1886). pp. 88-90; Beissel, Ge.'ichichte der Verehrung Marias in Deutschland (Freiburg, 1909), ch. xiii; Krone.s'BURG, Maria's Heerlijkheid in Neder- land.

Herbert Thurston.

Haimhausen (corrupt form, Aymausen), Kabl VON, Germ;in missionary; b. at Munich, of a noble Bavarian family, 28 May, 1692; d. in Chile, 7 .\pril, 1767. On 20 October, 1709, he entered the Society of Jesus, and, in 1724, went as a missionary to Chile. He was professor of theology and for ni.any years rec- tor of the Collegium Maximum at Santiago. Chile having lieen constituted an independent province of the order in 1624, F:ither Haimhausen was made pro- vincial procurator, master of novices, and instructor. In these capacities he won such high esteem that even the Spanish and the viceroy chose him for their confe.ssor in .spite of the fact of his being a foreigner.

Haimh;iusen completed the magnificent college church in Santiago, built a novitiate establishment and two houses for spiritu:il retreats, with churclies attached to them, and rendered most valuable service in promoting tlie economic and industrial develop- ment of the colony. The abundance of gold and silver that poured out of the mines of the newly ac- quired countries had ruined the industries of the mother country, since it was easier ;ind more con- venient for Spain to import manufactured articles