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less important "Geschichte der christlichen Kirclie" (9 vols., Ravensburg, 1,824-34) lay Locherer, rather uncritical and exhil)iting the influence of Schrockh, remained unfinished, and reaches only to 1073. The excellent "Geschichte der christlichen Kirche" by J. Othmar von Rauschen is also incomplete. A use- ful compendium, serious and scientific in character, was begun by Hortig, professor at Landshut, the " Handbuch der chri.^tlichen Kirchengeschiehte". He completed two volumes (Landshut, 1821-), and reached the Reformation; a third volume, that brought the work down to the French revolution, was added by his successor Dollinger (q. v.). This scholar, who unhappily later on abandoned the Catho- lic attitude and principles of his earlier days, excelled all previous writers of this century. Johann Adam Miihler wrote several special historical works and dis- sertations of exceptional merit. His lectures on gen- eral church history were published after his death by his pupil, the Benedictine Pius Gams (" Kirchenge- schiehte", 3 vols., Ratisbon, 1867). To these larger and epoch-making works must be added several com- pendia, some of which like Klein (" Historia ecclesias- tica", Gratz, 1827), Ruttenstock (" Institutiones hist, eccl.", 3 vols., Vienna, 1832-4), Cherrier (" Instit. hist, eccl.", 4 vols., Pestini, 1840-), were bare summaries of facts; others, like Ritter (" Handbuch der Kirchenge- schiehte", 3 vols., Bonn, 1830; 6th ed. by Ennen, 1861), and Alzog (" Universalgeschichte der christlichen Kirche", Mainz, 1840; 10th ed. by F. X. Kraus, 1882), are lengthy narratives, critical and thorough. Particular periods or epochs of ecclesiastical history soon found careful cultivation, e. g. by RifTel, "Kir- chengeschiehte der neuen und neuesten Zeit, vom Anfang der Glaubensspaltung im 16. Jahrhundert" (3 vols., Mainz, 1841-6); Damberger, " Sjmchronist- ische Geschichte der Kirche und der Welt im Mittel- alter" (in 1.5 volumes, Rati.sbon, 1850-63; the last volume edited by Rattinger), which reaches to 1378. With Dollinger and Mohler we must rank Karl Joseph Hefele, the third of the great German Catholic his- torians, whose valuable " Konziliengeschichte" is really a comprehensive work on general churcn history; the first seven volumes of the work (Frei- burg, 1855-74) reach to 1448. A new edition was begun by the author (ibid., 1873-); it was carried on by Knopfler (vols. V-VII), while Ilergenrother (later cardinal) undertook to continue the work and pub- lished two more volumes (VHI-IX, 1887-90), which carry the history of the Councils to the opening of the Council of Trent. Hergenruther is the fourth great church historian of Catholic Germany. His " Hand- buch der allgemeinen Kirchengeschiehte" (3 vols., Freiburg im B., 1876-80; 3rd ed., 1884-6; 4th ed., revised by J. P. Kirsch, 1902 sqq.) exhibits vast eru- dition and won recognition, even from Protestants as the most independent and instructive Catholic Church history. In recent years smaller, but scholarly com- pendia have been written by Bruck, Kraus, Funk, Knopfler, Marx, md Weiss. Numerous periodicals of a scientific nature bear evidence to the vigorous activity at present displayed in the field of ecclesias- tical history, e. g. the "Kinhengeschichtliche Stu- dien" (Munster), the " Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte" (Padcrborn), the "For- schungen zur chri.stlichen Literatur- und Dogmen- geschichte" (Mainz and P.aderborn), the "Veriiffent^ lichungen aus dem kirchenhistorischen Seminar Miinchen".

France. — In France the study of church history was long in attaining the high standard it reached in the seventeenth century. Two extensive narratives of general church history appeared. That of Rohr- bacher is the better, " Histoire universelle de I'Eglise catholique" (Nancy, 1842-9). It exhibits little inde- pendent research, but is a diligently executed work, and the author made a generous and skilful use of the

best and most recent literature (new ed. with con- tinuation by Guillaume, Paris, 1877). The second work is by Darras (q. v.). In recent years the science of ecclesiastical history has made great progress in France, both as to genuine criticism and thorough scholarly narrative. The critical tendency, aroused and sustained principally by Louis Duchesne, con- tinues to flourish and inspires very important works, particularly in special ecclesiastical history. Among the writings of Duchesne the "Histoire ancienne de I'Eglise" (2 vols., already issued, Paris, 1906-) de- serves particular mention. Another important publi- cation is the " Biblioth^que de I'enseignement de I'histoire eccldsiastique" a series of monographs by different authors, of which fourteen volumes have so far appeared (Paris, 1896-), and some have gone through several editions. A very useful manual is Marion's "Histoire de I'Eglise" (Paris, 1906).

Belgium. — Belgium, the home of the Bollandists and seat of the great work of the " Acta Sanctorum", deserves particular credit for the truly scientific spirit in which that noble work is conducted. The Bollandist de Smedt wrote an excellent " Intro- ductio generalis in Historiam ecclesiasticam critice tractandam" (Louvain, 1876). A manual of church history was published by Wouters ("Compendium hist, eccl.", 3 vols., Louvain, 1874), who also wrote " Dissertationes in selecta capita hist, eccl." (6 vols., Louvain, 1868-72). Jungmann dealt with general church history to the end of the eighteenth century in his " Dissertationes selecta; in historiam ecclesi- asticam". The serious character of ecclesiastico- historical studies at Louvain is best seen in the "Revue d'histoire eccl<5siastique" edited by Cauchie and Ladeuze.

Italy. — Some good manuals have appeared in Italy which evidence a beginning of serious studies m church hi.story, e. g. Delsignore, " Institutiones histor. eccles.", edited by Tissani (4 vols., Rome, 1837-46); Palma, " Pra^lectiones hist, eccl." (4 vols., Rome, 1838^6); Prezziner, Storia della Chiesa (9 vols., Florence, 1822-); Ign. Mozzoni, "Prolegomena alia storia universale della chiesa" (Florence. 1861), and "Tavole chronologiche critiche della storia universale della chiesa" (Venice, 1856-). Balan published as a continuation of Rohrbacher's universal ecclesiastical hi.story the "Storia della chiesa dall' aimo 1846 sino ai giorni nostri" (3 vols., Turin, 1SS6). Special works of great value were produced in various departments, above all by Giovanni Battista de Rossi in Chris- tian archipology. However, certain recent works on general church history — e. g. Amelli, "Storia della chiesa" (2 vols., Milan, 1877); Taglialatela, "Lezioni di storia eccles. e di archeologia cristiana" (4 vols., Naples, 1897); Pighi, "Inst. hist, eccl.", I (Verona, 1901) — do not come up to the present standard, at any rate, from the standpoint of methodical and criti- cal treatment.

Spain. — The ecclesiastical history of Spain inspired two great works, one by \'illanueva (" Viage literario a las iglesias de Espafia", Madrid, 1803-21; 18,50-2), the other by de la Fuente (" Historia ccclesiastica de Espana", 2nd ed., 2 vols., Madrid, 1873-5). In the field of general history, only Araat's " Historia ccclesi- astica o tratado de la Iglesia de Jesu Christo" (12 vols., Madrid, 1793-1803, 2n(l ed. 1807) appeared-^not a very thorough work. Juan Manuel de Berriozobal wrote "Historia de la Iglesia en sus primos siglos" (4 vols., Madrid, 1867). The Dominican Francisco Rivaz y Madrazo publishetl a manual ("Curso de historia ccclesiastica", 3 vols., 3rd ed., Madrid, 1905).

Holland. — The first .scientific Catholic manual of church history in Dutch was recently written by Al- bers ("Handboek der algemeene Kerkgeschiedenis", 2 vols., Nijmegen, 190,5-7; 2nd ed., 1908).

England. — In English-speaking lands general church history has hitherto been but Uttle cultivated; special