Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 7.djvu/833

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Mus. Mem. (2 vols., New York, 1902); Idem, Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson Bay in Am. Mus. Bui. (New York, 1901); Idem, Indianische Sagen von der nordpacifischen Kiiste CBerlin, 1895); Idem, Reports 07i A^orthwestern Tribes of Canada in A\ Br. Assn. Adv. Sci. {1SS9, ISQS) : Chamberlais , The Kootenai Indians in Rept. Br. Assn. Adv. Sci.: Crantz, Hist, of Greenland {tier- man, 1765; tr., 2 vols., London, 1767); Uall, Alaska and its Resources (Boston, 1879); Idem, Tribes of the Extreme Northwest in Contr. N. Ain. Ethn., I (Washington, 1877); Dawson, Report on Queen Charlotte Islands in Geol. Surveu Can. (Montreal, 1880); Franklin, Journeu to the Polar Sea {1S19-22) (London, 1823—); Hall. Arctic Researches (1860-62) (New York, 1866); Hearne, Journey to the Northern Ocean {l769-72) (London, 1795—); Henry, Travels in Canada (1760-76) (New York, 1809); Hill-Tout, Salish Tribes of British Columbia in Repts. Br. Assn. Adv. Sci.; Hind, Canadian Red River Expedition (1857-8) (2 vols., London, 1860); Idem, The Labrador Periinsula (2 vols., London, 1863); Indian Affairs in Ann. Repts. of the Dept. of Ottawa; Jesuit Relations (see United States below); Kane, Wanderings of an Artist (London, 1859); Krause, Die Tlinkit Indianer (Jena, 1885); Lafitau, Mirurs des sauvages ameriquains (2 vols., Paris, 1724); Lord, Naturalist in Van- couver Island and Br. Col. (2 vols., London, 1866) : Mackenzie, Voyages to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans (1789 9S) (London, 1801); McLean, Twenty-five Years in the Hudson Bni/ Ter. (2 vols., London, 1842); ^Iorice, The Western Denes in Can. Inst. Trans. (Toronto, 1904); Idem, Hist, of Northern Interior of British Colutnbia (Toronto, 1904); Idem, The Great Dene Racein .A nthropos, 1906-9; Murdoch, The Point Barrow Expdn. (1881-3) in Ninth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washingtijii. 1892); Nelson, The Eskimo about Bering Strait in Eiffhteenth Rept. Bur. .4m. Eth., I (Washington, 1901); Niblack, Coast Indians of Southern Alaska, etc. (Sni. Inst., Washington, 1890); Parkman (see below U. S.); Parry, Second Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Pas- sage (1821-3) (London, 1824); Perouse, Voyage aiUour du Monde (1786-8) (4 vols.. Paris, 1797; tr.. 2 vols., London, 1799) Petitot, Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-Ouest (Paris, 1886); Idem, Monographic des Dene Dindjie (Paris, 1876); Idem, Quinze ans sous le cercle polaire (Paris, 1889); Petroff, Report on Ala.9ka (Washington, 1884); Rasmussen, The People of the Polar North (London, Philadelphia, 1908); Richardson, Arctic Searching Expdn. (2 vols., Ix)ndon, 1851); Rink, Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo (London. 1875); Russell, Explo- rations in the Far North (Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, 1898); Sproat, Scenes and Studies of Savage Life (London, 1868); Swanton, Haida Texts: Masset Dialect in Am. Mus. Mem. (New York, 1908); Idem, Haida Texts and Myths in Bull. Bu. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1905); Idem. The Tlingit Indians in Twenty-sixth Rept. Bu. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1907); Teit, Thompson River Indians of Br. Columbia in Mem. Am. Mus. (New York, 1900); Turner, Ethnology of the Ungava District in Eleventh Rept. Bur. Ain. Eth. (Washington, 1894); Whymper, Travel in Alaska (London, 1868),

United States. — Abbott. Primitive Industry (Peabody Mus., Cambridge, 1881): Adair, Hist, of the Am. Inds. (London, 1775); American State Papers: Class II, Indian Affairs (Wash- ington, 1832); H. H. Bancroft, Histories: California (7 vols., San Francisco. 1886-90'; Arizona and A'rw Mexico (San Fran- cisco, 1889); Utah (San Francisco, 1889): Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming (San Francisco, 1890); Washington, Idaho and Mon- tana (San Francisco, 1890); Bandelier, Contributions to Hist, and Archeology of Southwestern U. S. (Hemenway Expdn.) (Peabody Mus.. Cambridge, 1890); Bahcia (Cardenas y Cano), Ensayo Cronologico (Madrid, 1723); Barrett, The Porno and Neighboring Indians (Univ. of (^al., Berkeley. 1908); Idem, Porno Basketry (Berkeley, 190S); Bartram, Travels through North a7id South Carolina (Philadelphia, 1791); Bossu, Nou- veaux voyages dans I'Amerique Sepfentrionale (Paris, 1768; Paris and Amsterdam, 1778); Brinton, The Floridian Penin- sula (Philadelphia. 1859); CABEfA de Vaca, Relacion (Seville, 1542: tr. Smith. New York, 1871); Carver, Travels through the Interior Parts of N. Am. (1766-8) (London, 1781); Catlin, North Am. Indians (2 vols., London, 1841); C'harlevoix, His- toire et description generale de la Nouvelle France (3 vols., Paris, 1744; tr. Shea. 6 vols.. New York, 1866-1870); Clark. The Indian Sign Language (Philadelphia. 1885); Colden, Hist, of the Five Indian Nations of N. Y. (New York, 1727; ed. Shea New York. 1866); Cox, Adventures on the Columbia River (2 vols.. London, 1831); Curtis. The Indian's Book (New York anrl London, 1907); Davis, Spanish Conquest of New Mexico (Doylestown. 1869); De Forest, Hist, of the Indians of Conn. (Hartford, 1852); Dickenson, God's Protecting Providence (Philadelphia, 1699); Dorsey, Mythology of the Wichita (Car- negie Inst., Washington. 1904); Idem, The Cheyenne (2 pts., Field Mus., Chicago, 1905); Idem. Traditions of the Arikara (Washington, 1903); Idem. The Pawnee (Carnegie Inst.. 2 vols.. Washington. 1906); Dorsey and Kroeber, Traditions of the Arapaho (Field Mus.. Chicago. 1903); Drake. Bioo. and Hist, of the Indians of N. America (11th ed., Boston. 1857); Duflot DE MoFRAS. Exploration de VOrrgon (Paris, 1844); Dumont, Memoires sur la Louisiane (2 vols., Paris, 1753); Fewke.s in Journal of Ayn. Ethn. and Arch. (Pueblo Hemenway Expdn ) (4 vols., Boston, 1891-94); Fletcher, Omaha Indian Music (Peabody Mus., Cambridge. 1893); Forbes. California. Upper and Lower (Ijondon, 1839)- Yriet)ER\cj. Skalpieren und ahnliche Kriegsgebrduehe (Brunswick, 1906); French, ed.. Hist. Colls, of Louisiana (6 vols.. New York. 1846-69) : Gallatin. Synopsis of Indian Tribes in Arch. Americana. II (Cambridge, 1836); Gar- ciLASo DE la Vega, La Florida del Ynca (Lisbon, 1605: Madrid, 1723); Gatschet. The Karankawa Indians of Texas (Peabodv Mus., Cambridge, 1891); Idem, Migration Legend of the Creek Indians (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1884; St. Louis, 1885); Idem,

The Klamath Indians of Oregon, Contr. N. Am. Eth., 11 (Wash- ington, 1890); Idem, The Timucua Language, 3 pts.. in Am. Philos. Soc. Proc. (Philadelphia, 1877-80); Gookin, Christian Indians of Massachuselts (1674) in Archceologia Amtricana, II (Cambridge. 1836); Hariot, Briefe and True Report (Va.) (Frankfort. 1500; New York, 1871); Hawkins, Sketch of the Creek County (Savannah, 1848); Hayden, Indian Tribes of the Missouri Vallcg (Philadelphia, 1862); Heckewelder, Mission of the United Brethren (Philad.-lphia, 1820); Idem, Hist. Man- ners and Customs of the Indians |of] Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1819); Hodge. Handbook of Am. Inds., Bull. Bur. Am. Ethn. (2 vols.. Washington, 1907-08); YIoi^mes, Art in Shell of the An- cient Americans, Second Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1883); Idem. Pottery of the Ancient Pueblos, Fourth Rept. Bur. A7n. Eth. (Washington. 1886); Idem, Ancient Art of Chiriqui, Sixth Rept. etc. (ISSS) ; Idem. Stone Implements of the Potomac- Chesapeake Tidewater, Fifteenth Rept. etc. (1897); Idem, Aborig- inal Pottery of the Eastern United States, Twentieth Rept. etc. (1903); Hrdlicka, Physiological and Medical Observations (Southwestern Inds.). Bui. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington. 1908); Annual Reportsof Commissioner of Indian Affairs (Washington, 1824 — ); Irving. Conquest of Florida (New York. 1857); James, Narrative of the Captivity of James Tanner (New York, 1830); Jones. Antiquities of the Southern Indians (New York. 1873); Kappler, Indian Affairs; Laws and Treaties (2 vols., Washing- ton. 1904); Kohl, Kitchi Gami (Ojibwa Inds.) (London, 1860); Kroeber, The Arapaho in Buls. Am. Mus. (New York, 1902-7); Idem, California Indian Papers in Univ. of California Pvbs. (Berkeley. 1903-9); Lawson, Hist, of Carolina (London, 1714; Raleigh, 1860); Le Moyne, Narrative (Florida, 1564) (Latin ed., Frankfort, 1591; tr., Boston, 1875); Le Page du Pratz, Hist, de la Louisiane (3 vols.. Paris, 1758; tr., London, 1763 and 1774); Lewis and Clark. Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1S04-06), ed. Thwaites (S vols.. New York, 1904-5), the lat<?st and most complete of many editions; Long, Expdn. to the Rocky Mts. (1819-20) (3 vols., London. 1823); Loudon, Narratives (Indian Captivities etc.) (2 vols., Carlisle, 1808-11); McCoy, Baptist Indian Missions (Washington and New York. 1840); McKenney and Hall, Hist, of the Indian Tribes (coloured portraits) (3 vols., Philadelphia. 1837); Mallery, Pietographs of the North Am. Inds. in Fourth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (WMshiiiKton, 1886); Margry, Decouvertes et etahlissemaits des FniHrms (6 vols,. Paris, 1879-86); Matthews, Hidatsa Indians ( Wa^liington, 1877) ; Idem, The Night Chant in Am. Mus. Mem. (New York. 1902); Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Colls. (40 vols., Boston, 1792-1871); Maurault, Hist, des Abenakis (Quebec, 1866) : Maximilian, Prince of Wied, Trav- els in the Interior of N. America (2 vols., Coblenz, 1839-41; tr., London. 1843); Mooney, The Siouan Tribes of the East, Bui. Bur. Am. Eth. (W'ashington, 1894); Idem. Ghost Dance Religion in Fourteenth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1896); Idem, Calendar Hist, of the Kiowa in Seventeenth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington. 1898); Idem, Myths of the Cherokee in Nineteenth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1900); Moore, Archeological Explorations (southern coast), chiefly in Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences (Philadelphia, 1892-1909); Morgan, League of the Hodenosaunee or Iroquois (Rochester, 1851); Idem. Systems of Consanguinity in Smithsonian Contr. ,'S.\lll(\Vi[shington, 1871); Morse. Report on Indian .Affairs (New Haven, 1822); Does. Relative to the Colonial Hist, of N. Y., O'Callaghan ed. (11 vols.. Albany, 1856-61); Parkman, Conspiracy of Pontiac (Bos- ton, 1866); Idem, Jesuits in North Am. (Boston, 1867); Idem, Discovery of the Great West (Boston, 1869); Idem. Count Fron- tenac and iXew France (Boston, 1878): Idem, Montcalm and Wolfe (2 vols.. Boston. 1884); Idem. Half Century of Conflict (2 vols., Boston. 1892) ; Powers, Tribes of California- in Contr. N, Am. Eth., Ill (W'ashington, 1877); Relations des Jesuites (3 vols., Quebec, 1858); Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River (London. 1849) Idem. Fur Hunters of the Far West (2 vols., London. 1855); Royce and Th(ima.s, Indian Land Cessions in Eighteenth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1902); Russell, The Pima Indians in Twenty-sixth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Wash- ington. 1908); Ruttenber, Indian Tribes of Hudson's River (Albany, 1872); Rye, Discovery and Conquest of Florida (tr. with notes of Elvas and Biedma narratives of De Soto expedi- tion; Hakluyt Soc. London. 1851); Schoolcraft, Algic Re- searches (3 vols.. New York. 1839) ; Idem, Notes on the Iroquois (Albany, 1847); Idem, Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes (Phil- adelphia. 1851): Idem, History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes (6 vols., Philadelphia, 1851-7): Shea, Disc, and Exploration of the Miss. Valley (New York. 1853); Idem, Hist, of Catholic [Indian] Missions of the U. S. (New York. 1855); Simpson. Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe to the Navajo Country (Philadelphia. 1852): de Smet. Oregon Missions etc. (1843-46) (New York. 1847; Fr. tr., Paris, 1848); Idem, Western Missions and Missionaries (New York, 1863); B. Smith, Her- nando deSoto: Elvas and Biedma RelatioJis in BradfordClub Series, No. 5 (New York, 1866): John Smith, Generoll Historic of Vir- ginia, etc. (London, 1624; Arber. ed., Birmingham, 1885); Col. J. Smith. Captivity with the Indians (1755-9) (Lexington, 1799); Squier and Davis, Ancient Monuments of the Miss. Val- ley in Smithsonian Contrib. (Wnshington, 1848); Stevenson, The Zuni Indians in Twenty-third Rcpf. Bur. Am. Eth. (Wash- ington. 1904); Strachey. Historic of Travaile into Virginia (c 1613) (Hakluyt Soc, London. 1849): Swan. The Northwest Const (New "^ ork. 1857); Thomas, Report on Mound Explora- tions in Twelfth Rept. Bur. Am. Eth. (Washington, 1894): Thrus- TON, Antiouities of Tennessee (C'xneinn^ii, 1890); Thwaites. see Jesuits above: Treaties, see Kappler above; Warren, Hist. of the Ojihways in Minn. Hist. Soc. Colls., V (St. Paul, 1885); White, Relatio Itineris in Marifandiam (163.5-8) (Latin and English, Maryland Hist. Soc., Baltimore, 1874); Williams,