Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 7.djvu/838

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been as destructive to them as to other savage races, and, in spite of missionary effort and sporadic govern- ment protection in some states, they seem rapidly marching to final extinction.

As tabulated by Chamberlain, our most recent authority (South American Linguistic Stocks, 1907), the number of South American linguistic stocks was approximately eiglity, as given below, the list being liable to some change with more extended investiga- tion. Of these the Tupian, or Tiipi'-Guarini, alone occupies the greater portion of Brazil and Paraguay, and forms the basis of the lingoa yeral or trade lan- guage. Alikulufan (Tierra del Fuego), Andaquian (Colombia), Apoliston (Bolivia), Arauan (Brazil), Araucan or Aucan (Chile), Arawakan (Venezuela, &c.), Ardan (Ecuador), Atacamcfian (Chile), Ayma- ran? (Peru, Bolivia), Barbacoan (Colombia), Betoyan (Colombia, Venezuela), Bororoan (Brazil), Calcha- quian (Argentina), Canarian (Peru-Ecuador), Cani- chanan (Bolivia), ('arajan(Brazil),Cariban(Venezuela, Guiana, &c.), Caririan (Brazil), Cayiibaban (Bolivia), Changoan (Chile), Chayacuran (Bolivia), Charruan, (Uruguay), Chibchan (Colombia), Chiciuitan (Bolivia), Chocoan (Colombia), Cholonan (Peru), Chonoan (Chile), Churoyan (Colomliia), Cocnucan (Colombia), Corabecan (Bolivia), Cunan (Coloml)ia), Curucunecan (Bolivia), Curuminacan (Bolivia), Enomagan (Para- guay), Goyatacan (Brazil), Guahiban (Colombia), Guaraunan (Venezuela), Guatoan (Bolivia-Brazil), Ciuaycuran (Argentina), Itenean (Bohvia), Itonaman (Bolivia), Itucalean (Peru), Ji varan (Ecuador), Laman (Peru), Lecan (Bolivia), Lorenzan (Peru), Lulcan (Argentina), Mainan (Ecuador), Makuan (Brazil), Matacan (Argentina, Paraguay), Miranhan (Brazil), Mocoan (Colombia), Mosetenan (Bolivia), Moviman (Bolivia), Muran (Brazil), Ocoronan (Bolivia), Onan (Tierra del Fuego), Otomacan (Venezuela), Otuquian (Bolivia), Paniqiiitan (Colombia), Panoan (Peru), Peban (Peru, Ecuador), Piaroan (Colombia, Vene- zuela), Puelchean (Argentina), Puinavian (Colombia), Puquinan (Peru), Quichuan (Peru, Ecuador, &c.), Salivan (Venezuela), Samucan (Bolivia), Tacanan (Bolivia), Tapuyan (Brazil, Colombia), Ticunan (Brazil), Timotean (Venezuela), Tupian (Brazil, Para- guay, Bolivia, &c.), Trumaian (Brazil), Tsonekan (Argentina), Uitotan (Brazil), Yahganan (Tierra del Fuego), Yaruran (Venezuela — Colombia), Yuncan (Peru), Y^urucaran (Bolivia), Zaparan (Ecuador).

AcoSTA, Uisloria natural y moral de las Indias (Seville, 1590; tr., London, 1604); Idem, De Xalura Novi Orbis (Sala- manca, 15SS-9): AcuNA, Nuevo desrubrimiento del ffran Hio de Ins A7na2onas (.Uadrid, 1641): tr. Voyages and Discoveries in South America {London, 169S), also in Hakluyt Sor, Heps. (1859); AMsnosETTl, Exploraciones ArqueoLigieos (Calrhaquis) (Univ. of Buenos Aires, 1906-OS); Azara, Voyages dans I'Atmri- que Meridionale {1781-1801) (4 vols., Paris, 1809): Barrkre, Nouv. relation de la France Equinoxiale (Ctuiana) (Paris, 1743); Bates, Naturalist on the Amazon (London, 1863): Benzom, Hisioria del mondo niiovo (Venire, 1565; tr., Hakluyt Soc., I^an- tlon, 1857); Bollaert, Antiquarian, Ethnological and Other Re- searches (.\ndes region) (Ijondon, 1860);, Antiquitis de la region Andine (2 vols., Paris, 1908) : Boorne. Captive in Pata- gonia (Boston, 1S5S); Boygiani, / Caduvei (Mbaj-ii, or Guay- curu) (Rome, 1895); Brett, Indian Tribes of Guiana (New York, 1852); Castelnau, Expedition dans V Amcrique du Sud US43-7) (Paris, 1852); CHAMBERa.AiN, South American Lin- guistic Stocks in Proc. Congress of Americanists (Quebec, 1907); Charlevoix, Histoire du Paraguay (3 vols.. Pans, 1756;_tr., 2 vols., London, 1769); Chervin, Anthropologic Bolivicnne: Sfnfchal et La Grange Mission Scienfifique (Paris, 1907-8); Chile, Coleccinn de Documenlos Iniditos (Santiago, 1899): CiEZA. Hisioria de Peru (Seville, 15.53), tr. Travels through the Mighty Kingdom of Peru (London, 1709); Colombia: Geo- graphical Account of that Country (2 vols.. Txindon, 1822): Dobrizhoffer (publLshnd in Latin. \'icnna, 1784). tr. Account of the Abipones (Lonrlon,lS22): Khrenreich, Antlirovolog. Sludien (!ir't-il) (Brunswick, 1897); FoJtBEs, Aumara Indians of Bolit^'a and Peru in Klhn. Soc. Journal. N. S.. II (London. 1870): C'.ar- cii.AKo DE LA Vega. Commentorios reales dc cl origen de los Incas (Lisbon. 1609; Madrid, 1723), tr. Hakluyt Soc. (2 vols., London, 1.8R9>; Idem.. Historia general del Pirii (Cordova, 1617: Madrid, 1722); tr. of both, Pnyal Commentaries of Peru (Ixindon, 1688) C.raham, a Vanished Arcadia (Paraguay missions) (London, 1901 ):T. Guevara. Psirologia del pueblo Araucano (SantiaEo, 190s): Idem, Ilistoria de la eii-^lizacinn de Araucania (Santiago, 1900) ; J. Guevara, Historiadel Paraguay, Rio de la Plata y Tucu-

man (Buenos Aires, 1836); Gumilla, Historia Naluraldelaa Na- clones del Hio Orinoco (2 vols., Barcelona, 1741; Frencb tr.. 3 vols., Avignon, 1758); Helps, The .Spanish Conquest in AmtTica (4 vols., London, 1861); Herndon, isxp/ara/ion of the Valley of the Amazon (2 vols, and maps, Washington, 1854); Her- RERA, Historia General de los Hechus de los Caslcllanos (4 vols., Madrid, 1601, 1720; tr. French. 3 vols.. Paris, 1671; mutilated tr., 6 vols., London. 1740): Humboldt and Bon- PI.AND, Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions (1799-1804) (tr., 8 vols.. London, 1.S18; Bohn Library, 3 vols., Lomlon, 1852-3); Las Casas, Brevissima relacinn de la destruyeiiin de las Indias (Seville; 1552), tr. Relation of the First Voyages (London, 1699), tr. Latin, Italian, German, llutclr. tr. French in tEuvres (Paris, 1810): de Leuy, Voyage en la Terrc du Brcsil (3rd ed., Paris, 1585): Lozano, Historia de la Comp. de Jesiis en Paraguay (2 vols., Madrid, 1754-5); Magai.hanes de GoNDARO, Histoire de la province dc Santa Cruz (i. e. Brazil) (Lisbon, 1572; tr. French, Paris, 1637); Marcot. Voyage a trovers I'Amirique du Sud (2 vols., Paris, 1869) (fine engrav- ings); Markham, Cuzco: A Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru (London, 1856): Idem, Grammar and Dictionary of Qui- chua (Peru) (London, 1864); Idem, Travels in Peru and India (London, 1862); Idem, Ollanta: An Ancient Ynca Drama (lAyn- don, 1871): Idem, List of Tribes in the Valley of the Amazon in joum. Anih. Inst., XXIV (London. 1S95): Medina, Los .46o- riffincg rfc C'/(i7c (Santiago, ISSLM;^.K, Geographical, Natu- ral and Civil History uf Chdi (ISologiia, 1782, also Spauish and German tr.; tr. 2 vols.. Middlclown, 1808); Montoya, Conquista espiritual del Paraguay (Lima?, 16:i9); MuRAToRl, Relation of the Missions of Paraguay, tr. (London, 1759); d'Orbigny, L' Homme Ami'ricain de t'Amtrique Miridionale (3 vols., Paris, 1839): Ortega, Apostol. afanes de la Com- panla de Jestis (Biircelona, 1754); Orton, The Andes and the Amazon (1870); Outes, Estudios etnogrdficos (Querandi, etc.) (Buenos Aires, 1894-8): Marcano, Ethnographic prcco- lumbienne du Venezuela: Page, La Plata, the Argentine Confede- ration and Paraguay (New York, 18.59); Prescott. History of the Conquest of Peru (2 vols., London, 1847); Raleigh, Dis- covery of Guiana (orig. ed., 1596: London. Hakluyt Soc, 1848): Reclus, The Earth and its Inftahitants: South America, tr. Keane (2 vols.. New York, 1894-5): Rivet, Les Indiens Jibaroa in U Anthropologic (Paris, 1907. 190.S): Riviero and Tschudi, Antiquedades Peruanas (Vienna, 1851), tr. Hawks (New York, 1853) ; Saville. Antiquities of Manabi, Ecuador (Ileye Expdn.) (New York, 1907): Seymour. Pioneering in the Pampas (Lon- don, 1869); Simon, Expedition in Search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1660-61, tr. (Hakluyt Soc., London, 1K6I): Smith, The Araucanians (New York. 1855): Smyth. Jourmy from Lima to Para (London. 1S36); Spix and Martius, Reise nach Brasilien (1817-20) (3 vols., Munich. 1824-31). tr. Travels in Brazil (London. 1824); Squier. J'eru: Exploration in the Land of the Incas (New York. 187. ) : Staden. Virilable His- toire (Brazilian Indians) (Paris, 1837), tr. from German (Mar- burg, 1557); VON DER Steinen, Durch Central Brasilien (1.884) (Leipzig. 1.8.86): Idem, Unterden Nnlurvollccr Zenlral Brasilicns (1887-8) (Berlin, 1894): Suarez, Hisioria General del Ecuador (9 vols., (iuito. 1890-1903): Tschudi, Peru: Reiseskizzen (18S8- 4S) (2 vols., St. Gall. 1844). tr. Travels in Peru (London. 1.847; New York, 1865); Ternadx-C'ompans, see under Mexico; im TnvR^, Among the Indians of Guiana (1S,S3): Uhle, Kullurund Industrie sudamcrikanischer Volker (18.89): Idem, Explorations in Peru (archceology) (Univ. of Cal., Berkeley): I'hle and Stubel, Ruinenstatte von Tiahunnaeo. Peru (Ureslau. 1892); Ulloa. Noticias Amcriranas (Madrid. 1747. 1772, 1792), tr. Fr., Memoires philosophi/jues (2 vols.. Paris. 1787); TIricochea, Antiquedades Neo-Grnnadinas (Berlin. 1854): Wallace, Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro (London. 1853): deZarate, Hist, de la decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou (2 vols., Paris, 1716, 1830). from the Spanish (.\ntwerp. 1555). tr. (London. 1.581). See also above: Mexico; Central America; and the West Indies.

James Mooney.

Indiction. See Chronology, General.

Indies, East, Patriarchate of the. — In conse- quence of an agreement between the Holy See and the Portuguese (iovernment in 1SS6, settling difficulties that had arisen from the Goan schism (sec Go.\. Arch- diocese of), the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Goa was considerably restricted. Indeed, one of the causes of the schism had been that both the Arch- laishop of Goa and the Bishop of Macao had been exercising acts of jurisdiction within the vicariates Apostolic of the British East Indies, though these had been alreadv expressly withdrawn from their jurisdic- tion. The Portuguese Government had sided with the and his supporters against Rome, claiming a royal jus pntrnvntus over the whole of the Church of India (see Padroado). As compensation for his shorn jurisdiction the Archbishop of Goa was given the title of patriarch. The suffnigan sees of Goa are Pam-io, Cochin. Macao, Mylapur, and the pradatura nuUiu.t of Mozambique.

Acta Sancia; Sedis (Rome. 1.886). U. BenIGNI.