Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 7.djvu/91

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to begin his studies at the abbey school of Einsiedeln. When the storms of the French Revolution crossed the Rhine, Abbot Beatus, the religious, and students, in May, 1798, went to the Abbey of St. Ceroid, and at the end of the year Giigler was sent toPetershausen, near Constance. In ISOO he continued his classical course at Solothurn. In ISOl he began philosophy, which he finished with great credit at Lucerne accord- ing to Kant and Jacobi. Even as a student he showed those opposite traits of character, for which he was noted all through life: a courage ready to overcome any obstacles and fearing no consequences in the de- fence of right, with at the same time an unobtrusive, almost shrinking nature; a very comprehensive knowl- edge of men and affairs together with a dread of show- ing it. During this period he became acquainted with Widmer, a fellow-student, the acquaintance ripening into a life-long friendship. Through the influence of Widmer, Giigler, who had become undecided as to his future career, took up the study of theology, which both pursued at Landshut under Sailer and Zimmer. Shortly before his ordination to the priesthood he was appointed professor of exegesis at the lyceum in Lucerne. After he had received Holy orders, March, 1805, at the han^ls of Testa Ferrata, the papal legate, he was made a canon of the collegiate church of St. Leodegar (Saint-L^ger), retaining his position as pro- fessor of exegesis. Later he also taught pastoral theology, and 1822-24 acted as prefect of the lyceum.

Giigler and Widmer, who had also been made a professor at Lucerne, put new life into the study of the Scriptures, theology, and cognate branches. Students were encouraged to drop antiquated notions, to think and investigate for themselves, to gain solid knowledge, and to avoid superficiality. The methods of the new teachers brought them into conflict, as well with the supporters of tlie old school, as with the followers of Wessenberg and the " lUuminati" of Switzerland who accused the professors of unchristian mysticism. A controversy followed between Giigler and Thaddaeus Miiller, city pastor of Lucerne, during which appeared, among other writings, Giigler's " Geist des Christentums und der Literatur im Verhaltniss zu den Thadthcus Miil- lerschen Schriften". Miiller made a formal demand to the municipal authorities for the removal of Giigler from the professorship, which was decreed 12 Dec, 1810. Immediately Widmer handed in his resig- nation, a large number of students threatened to leave, and even the majority of citizens sided with Giigler. Miiller saw his mistake, and, at his special request Giigler was reinstated 23 Jan., 1811. Giigler had also a dispute with Marcus Lutz, pastor at Leufel- fingen, and issued the sarcastic pamphlet "Chemische Analyse und Synthese des Marcus Lutz zu Leufel- fingen" (1816). Another controversy was with Troxler, who later became known as a philosopher. Giigler devoted his time chiefly to teaching and to literary work, but he frequently preached, and he wrote a poem for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Sailer's ordination. To his scholars he was a true friend, adviser, and consoler. Perhaps the last literary work of Giigler was a protest against the admission of non-Catholics to the Canton of Lucerne, as he wished to preserve for the people the inestimable boon of unity in faith. His career, though short, was a source of great blessing to his country. Sketches of his life were written by Widmer and Geiger, and his biography was prepared l)y Joseph L. Schiffmann, " Lebensgeschichte des Chorherrn und Professors Aloys Giigler" (Augsburg, 1833); a lengthy article on Giigler and his exegetical works appeared in the "Katholik" (1829), XXXIV, S3, 196.

His principal work is: "Die hi. Kunst oder die Kunst der Hebriier" (1814, 1817, 1818), 3 vols. It is a philosophical exposition of Old Testament Revela- tion undertaken by a mind which gives full credence

to the truth of Revelation, and under the veil of the letter sees hidden treasures of wonderful wisdom which it considers the highest achievement of human investigation to find and give to the world. In 1819 Widmer published the continuation of this work in relation to the New Testament: " Ziffern der Sphinx oder Typen der Zeit und ihr Deuten auf die Zukunft" (Solothurn, 1819). This wishes to show the divine order of current events which are presented in grand pictures and prophetic visions. A periodical founded by Giigler in 1823, "Zeichen der Zeit im Guten und Bosen", was continued by Dr. Segesser. Among Giigler's published works is a volume entitled "Pri- vatvortrage", lectures on the Gospel of St. John, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the Christian doctrine of St. Augustine, together with a brief sketch of the sacred books of the Old Testament (Sarmenstorf, 1842). His posthumous works were edited by Wid- mer between 1828 and 1842. A complete list of all his printed works is given in the " Thesaurus librorum rei catholics;" (W'urzburg, 18.56), I, 337.

HuRTER, Nomencl., s. v.: Tiihinger Quariahchrijt (1836). 453; Slimmen aus Maria-Laach, XXIV, 4S9; Allg. Deutsche Biogr., X, G.'S; Werner, Geschwhte der apuloget. u. polem. Literatur (Schaffhausen, 1867), V, 356.

Francis Mershman.

Guglielmini, Giovanni Battista, scientist, b. at Bologna, 16 August, 1763; d. in the same city, 15De- cember, 1817. He is known as the first scientific ex- perimenter on the mechanical demonstration of the earth's rotation. He received the tonsure in early youth, with the title of Abate, but does not seem to have received any higher orders, and died single. With the help and protection of Cardinal Ignazio Bon- compagni, he pursued higher studies, and graduated in philosophy, in 1787, at the age of 24. Two years later he published his first treatise in Rome, " Riflessioni sopra un nuovo esperimento in prova del diurno moto della terra" (Rome, 1789). The experiments which followed were made in the city tower of Bologna, called "Asinelli", and famous from former experi- ments of Riccioli on the laws of falling bodies. A small octavo volume, published in Bologna in 1792, " De diuturno terrje motu experiraentis physico- mathematicis confirmato opusculum" gives (in the preface) the history and description of Guglielmini's experiments, then resumes in the first article the con- tents of the "Riflessioni", defends the same in the second article against opponents, and in the third presents the results. The book bears the imprimatur of the Holy Office at Bologna. Si.xteen balls were dropped from a height of 241 feet, between June and September, 1791, and the plumb-line fixed in Feb- ruary, 1792, all during the night and mostly after midnight. The mean deviations towards east and south proved to be 8.4'" and 5.3'" respectively, while the computation gave 7.6'" and 6.2'" (l'"=l-12 inch). In spite of their agreement both observation and calculation were defective, the plumb-line having been determined half a year later, and the theory of motion relative to the moving earth being as yet undeveloped.

The experimental skill and laborious precautions of Guglielmini, however, served his followers, Benzen- berg (1802 and 1804) and Reich (1831), as models, and the inner agreement of his results was never surpassed. Guglielmini's theory was right, in considering the absolute path of the falling body (apart from the re- sistance of the air) as elliptical, or approximately para- bolical, and the orbital plane as passing a little north of the vertical, through the centre of attraction, while the errors in his formul3>, afterwards repeated by 01- bers, served to incite Gauss and Laplace to develop the correct theory of relative motion. Two years later, Guglielmini was nominated professor of mathe- matics at the LTniversity of Bologna, which office he held for twenty-three years (1794-1817). In 1801, he