Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/16

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ICacRORT, JOSEPH, S.T.D., PtonsfisoB of Sacbed MOELLBR, GH., PaoFBasoB of Gbtvebal HiSTOBr,

ScBiPTUBE, Matnooth Oollbgb, Dubun: Mar- UinviBsmr of Louyains Lazarus, Saint, Order

garet, Saint, Virgin and Martyr; Marie, Saint of, of Jerusalem.

and Evangelist; Marie, Gospel of Saint; Mary of MOLLOY, JOSEPH VINCENT, O.P., S.T.L., SoMEB-

Efeypt, Saint sbt, Ohio: Malchus.

MAERE, R., S.T.D., Pbofesbob of Chbistian MOONEY, JAMES, United States Ethnologist,

ABCH.aoi[X)OT, Univebsity of Louvain: Le Bubeau of Amebioan Ethnology, Washinqton :

Blant, Edinonrf-Fr6d6ric; Mamachi, Thomas Lesueur, Francois Eustace ; Lillooet Indians;

Maria; Marchi, Giuseppe; Martigny, Joseph- Lorette; Lul6 Indians; Lummi Indians; Maina

Alexandre. Indians; Maipure Indians; Maliseet Indians;

MAHER, MICHAEL, S.J., Lrrr.D., M.A. (London), Mameluco Indians; Mandan Indians; Mascoutens


GOGics, Stonthtjbst COLLEGE, Blackbubn, MORICE, a. G., O.M.I., Editob of " Le Patbiote db

England: Life. l'Ouest", Duck Labjs, SASijKJiTCHEWAN, Can-

MANN, HORACE K., HkADiCAsrCB, St. Cuthbebt's ada: Lav^rendrye, Pierre-Gaultier de Varennes,

Gbakmab School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- Sieur de; Laverlochdre, Jean-Nicolas; Loucheux;

LAND: Leo II, Saint, Pope; Leo III, Saint, Pope ; Manitoba.

Leo IV, Saint, Pope; Leo V, Pope; Leo VI, Pope; MOUGEL, AMBROSE, O.Cabt., St. Hugh's Chab-

Leo VII, Pope; Leo VIII, Pope; Leo IX, Saint, tebhouse, Pabkminsteb, England: Ludolph of

Pope; Marinus I, Pope; Marinus II, Pope. Saxony.

MARIQUE, PIERRE JOSEPH, Instbuctob in MULLER, ULRICH F., C.PP.S., Pbofessob of Fbench, College of the City of New Yobk: Philosophy, St. Chables Bobbomeo Seminaby, Laprade, Victor de; La Rocbejacquelein, Henri- Cabthaoena, Ohio: Le Verrier, Urbain-Jean- Augiiste-Georges du Vergier, Comte de; Lecoy de Joseph. La Marche, Richard-Albert; Marie de France. MURPHY, JOHN, C.S.Sp., Pbovincial of the

MATHIEU, Rt. Rev. Mgb., O.E., S.T.D., Seminaby Fathebs of the Holy Ghost, Cobnwells of QtTEBEC, Canada: Laval, University of, Pennsylvania: Libennann, Francis Mary Paul Quebec. Venerable.

M A YENCE, FERNAND, Ex-Membeb of the £colb OBRECHT, EDMOND M., O.C.R., Abbot of Geth FRANgAiSB at Athens, Pbofessob of Abch.«- semani Abbey, Kentucky: La Trappe; Mari OLOGY, Univebsity op Louvain: Lenormant, annhill, Congregation of the Missionaries of. Charles; Lenormant, Francois. O'CONNOR, JOHN B., O.P., St. Dominic's Pbioby

MAYER, JOHANN GBORG CANON, D.C.L., San Fbancisoo, Califobnia: Louis Bertrand Rbqent and Pbofessob of the Seminaby op Saint; Louis of Granada. Chub, Switzbbland: Lussy, Melchior. ^ OXEARY, THOMAS M., Chanckllob, Diocese of

MEEHAN, THOMAS F., New Yobk: Lead, Diocese Manchesteb, New H'ampshibe: Manchester, of; League of the Cross, The; L'Enfant, Pierre- Diocese of.

Charles; Liberia; Lincoln, Diocese of; London, OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., Lectob OF Chubch Diocese of; Longstreet, James; McGee, Thomae Histoby, Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Latera, D*Arcy; McMahon, Martin Thomas; McMaster, Flaminius Annibali de ; Louis of Toulouse, Saint ; James Alphonsus; McQuaid, Bernard John; Marcellinus of Civezza.

Mallory, Stephen Russell; Marquette League. q'NEILL, ARTHUR BARRY, C.S.C, M.A., Asso-

MBRK, AUGUST, S.J., Pbofessob of Apologetics, ciatb- Editob " Ave Maria ", Notbe Dame, St. Ignatius College, Valkenbubg, Holland: Indiana: Lefebvre, Camille; Le Loutre, Louis- Lebanon; Machpelah; Magdala. Joseph.

MKRSHMAN", FRANCIS, O.S.B., S.T.D., Pbofessob OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Pbofessob of the

OF Mobal Theology, Canon Law, and Liturgy, History of Philosophy, St. John's Univebsity,

St. John's UNtvERsmr, Collegeville, Minne- Collegeville, Minnesota: Laski (a Lasco),

sota: Larue, Charles de; Lectern; Lennig, John; Laymann, Paul; Ledochowski, Miecislas

Adam Franz; LeKourry, Denis-Nicolas; Litany; Halka; Lemcke, Henry; Leo XI, Pope; Lucius

Litany of the Holy Name; Litany of the Saints; II, Pope; Lucius III, Popej Ludmilla, Saint;

Ludger, Saint; Lumper, Gottfried; MaiTei, Ber- Magnus, Saint; Malagrida, Gabriel; Mallinck-

nardino; Martin I, Saint, Pope; Martin, Abbot rodt, Pauline; Maran, Prudentius; Marbodius,

of Schottenkloster ; Martyrs, The Ten Thousand ; Bishop of Rennes; Marcellua II, Pope; Marius

Maruthae, Saint. Mercator; Martin IV, Pope; Martin V, Pope;

MEYER, GEORGE, Pbovincial, Society of Mary, Martin of Braga, Saint; Mary de Cervellione.

of Pabis, Dayton, Ohio: Mary, Society of, of OTTEN, JOSEPH, PrrrsBUBO, Pennsylvania:

Paris. Lassus, Orlandus de.