Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/167

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„ . .. .__ ,._ . d in Bohemift by John Hub.

WM again said. The parish was in charge of the At Leipiig Friedrich and Wilhelm, Landgiavea of

Jesuits, at first two fathers, but after 1743 toere were Thuringia and ilargravea of Meissen, founded a

three. Ah chaplains of the elector, or king, they re- itudium generate, the Bull for the foundation being

oeived from the court in Dresden their saWieB and issued ^ Pope Alexander V at Pisa, 9 Sept«nil>er,

rent allowance. The Catholic school also found a 1409. The charter was signed od 2 D<ecember of the

K' ux in the Pleissenbure. When in 1738 the chapel same year, and the first rector was Johannes of HOn-

came too small for the faithful, the elector gave aterberg. In the first semester 369 students matric-

funds to replace it by a larger one. The fathers did ulated. The Bishop of Meiseburg was appointed

not confine their activity to Leipzig alone, but ex- chancellor. At the opening of the sixteenth century

tended it as far as Merseburg, Chenmitc, Naumburg, Iieipiig was, likeCologne, astrongbold of scholasticism,

Wittenberg etc.; and from 1749 they were also en- anda large part of the "Epistohe virorum obacuro-

trusted with the spiritual care of the prisoners. Alter rum", written in Erfurt near by, refers to it. The

the auppression of the Society of Jeaua, the fathers re- university, specially the theological faculty, remained

mained as secular priests. The prieste, who subse- true to the Church at tlie beginning of the Refonna-

Suently laboured in Leipzig, came for the most part tion, while Wittenberg, founded in 1502, was a ■OTa Austria, particularly Bohemia. When in the starting-point for Luther'a doctrine. During the nineteenth century the chapel of the Pleiasenburg be- period of religious dissension the University ofLeip- came dilapidated, and had to be given up, the town lig declined greatly. Through the efforts of its rec- council placed the Mattii&ikirche at certain hours at tor, Kaspar Bomer, the university obtained from the disposal of the CathoUca. The necessary means Duke Maurice of Saxony an annual grant of 2000 gold for the uuilding of a new church had been partly col- gulden. In 1543 it was boused in the Paulinum, a lected by the zealous cFForts of the chief pastor of the Secularized Dominican monastery. In 1559 the Saxon cFathoIios in those days, Bishop and Apostolic amendment of the statutes by the rector, Joachim Vicar Franz Laurens Mauermann. In 1345 the foun- Camerariua, was completed. In the seventeenth and dation stone of the first Catholic church was laid, and eighteentli centuries the univeriity suffered con- in 1847 it was consecrated by the new bishop, Joseph aiderably from wars, epidemics, and the billeting of Dittrich, As the town developed, the Catholic con- soldiers. It remained, however, especially in the gresation also grew; their esteemed pastor Frani eighteenth century, a centre of scholarly and literary Stolle built the rectory in 1871, founded the Societies activity, well-known representatives of which were of St. Vincent and St. Elizabeth with their homes, the Johann Christian Gottsched and Christian Filrcb- reading association, etc. In 1892 the comer-atone of tegott Gellcrt,

tiie second Catholic church was laid in Leipzig-Reud- In 1768 Prince Joseph Alexander Jablonowaky

nitz: in 1907 the Marienkirche in Leipzig-Plagwits- founded a learned iM>ciety for history, mathematics,

Undenau, and in 1S38 a new large Catholic school physics, and economics, which is still in existence,

was built, in addition to which chapels and schools The Linnsan Society for the Advancement of the

have been established in the newly incorporated sub- Natural Sciences was founded in 1789, and in 1824

urbs, was united with the Society for Physical Research.

At the present time Leipzig baa three Catholic par- In 1812 the university dropped its Protestant ecclesi-

ish churcnefi and two chapels; a Stammichvle com- asticaJ character; and in 1830 received a new consti-

prising a public school and a high school: three branch tution. A decree of King Anthony of Saxony

schools; three institutions belonging to the Grey abolished the old division of professors and students

Sisters of St. Ehzabeth, who have charge of St. into "nations" and entrusted the administration of

Vincent's establishment (institution [or the care of the university to the rector and the four faculties.

the sick, boarding school, and public kitchen), St. By a ministerial decree of 1851, the body of the ordi-

Joaeph's Home (institution for the care of the sick and nary professors form the university assembly; they

surgical clinic), and St. Elizabeth's Home (home for elect the rector and a member of the Lower House of

single persons and servants). Among the well- the Saxon Diet, and have the bestowal of the bene-

developed Catholic institutions worthy of mention are fices belonging to the university. Besides this assem-

tho Society of St. Vincent and also of St, Elizaljeth, bly there is a smaller body, the senate, composed of

the Apprentices' Club, the Club for CathoUc Business the rector, the pro-rector, the four deans, and twelve

Men, the Association of Catholic Teachers^ two stu- representatives elected by the faculties. In 1836 a

dents' corporations, the Workingmen's Guild, the new university building named the Augusteum, in

Uarienverein, the Catholic Casino, the Borromean honour of Frederick Augustus, first King of Saxony,

Society, and others. was opened; in 1871 an auditorium called the Bomeri-

UrkundcnbucJi der Stadt L^ptia in Codej iliplomfilicut Sax- anum, in honour of the rector Kaspar Bomer, was

onia regia, div. II. voli. VIII-S, XVI-XVIII; WtiHTMiNN, aAAini tn thp AiiBiwtj.iim Tn Hip siimmpr nf 1897

Au, LkpiiQ. Yirvajv^M (Leipili. 1885 lud 18B8): Ids- f^°^ "* "* Augusteum. In the Summer ol 1W<

OiKlten iiTOMc*, L.; (a vob.. iSpuw. 18f»*5); losH. L. there was opened a new building, erected from the

durck drei Jahrh. (Leipiic. ISSL); Ideh, OtttA. dcr StadI L., I plans of Arved Rossbacb, On the site of the original

SsSrSi,SiA'.KJiSfrSl,'2. fl«a?ft: -"Ivmity From old .„d new don.tioo. Ih. uSvw-

intu Bauioi (Leiptlg. 1892); Gubutt, SucArnWla ci^eJ- sity has a lai^ endowment in land and funds, over

Iww da- alimn 8au- u. Kunitdmimaltr da KeniBrridu Sadi- which the Saxon Government has the right of super-

j«.™rt.xvii,xv1Li(DrB«jBii.l8061:t,™/aA™/Ki^(I*i™«. ^jgn ^^ administration. In 1909 its property

JM,pu1ixvii,xv1U (Dnsden. ISMhr., imJakn IB04 (Leipiig, imfTtot St. Louti Exhibition; Waaai,. L. im UniwriOei- JMaanfJahr ISOSiLeipric, 1900): SiArillm da VerttTH fur dii Ofch. L.-M. I-XIII (LdpHi. 1873-1900). For jnlormation

amounted to thirty-one million marks.

. ----.- ---,- _- — the university library consists of the valuable col-

vTJZir^r! ;7™ ~7,Mi,',„i^i,^.^~j?Mi^'.?^A!^Ph^-^'i..'oe' lections taken from the suppressed Saxon monasteries;

TTitibOit (Lcipiis. 1S871: Deutscbiiuih, Handtrriarr (Qr d. it contains about 600,000 volumes and ooUU manu-

kathol. Phrrbairk L. (Lpipiig. 10021; Bruno- KaUndar (Dim- scnptS. At the instance of the rectOT of that period,

"iw. 1850-). Joseph Lish, Dukes Maurice and Augustus of Saxony founded, 22 April, 1544, a refeclozy {Tnenta commutiie) for needy

Lsipiig, UuivERfliTT OF. — The University of Leip- students, where meals could be obtained either with-

sig in Saxony is, next to Heidelberg, the oldest univer- out cost, or at moderate nrices. At the present day

dty in the German Empire. It was established when from two to three hundred students share in this

the German students under the leadership of Johannes privilege.

af Hdnsterberg, who had been deposed as rector by Amon^ the distinguished scholars may be men- King Wencealaus, left Prague in May, 1409, and went Uoned: m the evangelical theological faculty, Tiscb-