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LTOm 477 LTOMb

tries of the North, eight from England, five from council were James I, King of Aragon, the ambas-

Spain, five from the Latin Orient. Baldwin II, sadors of the Kin^ of France and Elngland, the

Latin Einperor of Constantinople, Raymond VII. ambassadors of the Emperor Michael Palffiolegus

Count of Toulouse, Raymond Berenger IV, Count ot and the Greek clergy, the ambassadors of the Khan

Provence, Albert Rezats, Latin Patriarch of Antioch, of the Tatars. The conquest of the Holy Land

Berthold, Patriarch of Aquileia, Nicholas, Latin and. the union of the Chiu'ches were the two ideas

Patriarch of Constantinople, came to the council^ for the realization of which Gregory X had convoked

which opened 28 June at Saint-Jean. After the Vem the council.

Creator^* and the litanies. Innocent IV preached (1) The CrtMCkfe.— ^Despite the protest of Richard

his famous sermon on the five wounds of the Church of Mapham, dean of Lincoln, he obtained that during

from the text "Secundum multitudinem dolorum six years for the benefit of the crusade a tithe of all

meorum in corde meo, consolationes tusB ketifica- the oenefices of Christendom should go to the pope^

verunt animam meam *\ He enumerated his five but when James I, King of Aragon, wished to organise

sorrows: (1) the bad conduct of prelates and faitb- the expedition at once the representatives of the

ful; (2) the insolence of the Saracens; (3) the Greek Templars opposed the project, and a decision was

Schism; (4) the cruelties of the Tatars in Hungary: postponed. Ambassadors of the Khan of Tataiy

(5) the persecution of the Emperor Frederick; ana arrived at Lyons, 4 July, to treat with Gregory A,

he caused to be read the privilege granted to Pope who desired that during the war against IsUm the

Honorius III by Frederick when the latter was as Tatars should leave the Christians in peace. Two of

yet only King of the Romans. Thaddeus of Suessa, the ambassadors were solemnly baptized 16 July. Frederick's ambassador, arose, attempted to make (2) Union of the ChurckBS.-^regory X had pre-

excuses for the emperor, and cited numerous plots pared for the imion by sending in 1273 an embassy to

against the emperor which, he said, had been insti- Constantinople to Michael Palseol^us and b^ indu*

gated by the Church. On 29 June at the request of cing Charles, Kin^ of Sicily, and Philip, Latm Em-

the procurators of the Kings of France and England, peror of Constantmople, to moderate their political

Innocent IV granted Thaddeus a delay of ten days ambitions. On 24 June, 1274, there arrived at L^ons

for the arrival of the emperor. as representatives of PaUeologus, Gennanus, Patriarch

At the second session (5 Jidy) the Bishop of Calvi of Constantinople^ Theophanes, Bishop of Niccea,

and a Spanish archbishop attacked the emperor's Georgius Acropohta, senator and great logothete,

manner of life and his plots against the Cnurch; Nicholas Panaretus, president of the ward-robe,

again Thaddeus spoke in his behalf and asked a delav Berrho^ota, chief interpreter, and Georgius Zinuchi.

for his arrival. Despite the advice of numerous prel- The letter from Palseologus which they presented

ates Innocent (9 July) decided to postpone the third had been written in the name of fifty archbishops

session until the seventeenth. On the seventeenth and five hundred bishops or s3mods. On 29 Jime,

Frederick had not come. Baldwin II, Raymond the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Gregory X cele-

yil, and Berthold, Patriarch of Aquileia, interceded brated Mass in the church of St. John^ the Epistle,

in vain for him; Thaddeus in his master's name Gospel, and Creed were read or sung m Latin ana

appealed to a future pope and a more general council; Greek, the article qui a pa ire filioque procedit " was

Innocent pronounced the deposition of Frederick, sung three times by the Greeks. On 6 Jul^, after a

caused it to be signed by one hundred and fifty sermon by Peter of Tarentaise and the pubhc reading

bishops and charged the Dominicans and Francis- of the letter of Palffiologus, Geomus AcropoUta and

cans with its publication everywhere. But the pope the other ambassadors promised fidelity to the Latin

lacked the material means to execute this decree; Church, abjured twenty-six propositions which it

the Count of Savoy refused to allow an army sent denied, and promised the protection of the emperor

by the pope against the emperor to pass through his to the Christians of the Holy Land. Gregory A in-

territory, and for a time it was feared that Frederick toned the *'Te Deum", spoke on the text *' Desiderio

would attack Innocent at Lyons. The Council of desideravi hoc pascha manducare vobiscum ", and on

Lyons took several other purely religious measures; 28 July wrote joyful letters to Michael, to his son

it obliged the Cistercians to pay tithes, approved the Andronicus, and forty-one metropoHtans. Three

Rule of the Order of Grandmont, decided the institu- letters dated February, 1274, written to the pope by

tion of the octave of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Michael and Andronicus, in which they recognized his

prescribed that henceforth cajxiinals should wear a supremacy, exist as proofs of the emperor's good

red hat, and lastly prepared thirty-ei^t constitu- faith, despite the efforts to throw douot on it by

tions which were later inserted by Boniface VIII in means of a letter of Innocent V (1276^ which seems

his Decretals, the most important of which, received to point to the conclusion that Georgius Acropolita,

with protests by the envoys of the English clergy, who at the council had promised fidelitv to the Koman

decreed a levy of a twentieth on every benefice for Church, had not been expressly authorized by the

three years for the reUef of the Holy Land (Constitu- einperor.

tion " Afllicti corde") and a levy for the benefit of the The Council of Lyons dealt also with the reform of

Latin Empire of Constantinople of half the revenue the Church, in view of which Gregory X in 1273 had

of benefices whose titulars dia not reside therein for addressed questions to the bishops and asked of

at least six months of the yeaf (Constitution Arduis Hubert de Romans, the former general of the Friars

mens occupata negotiis"). Preachers, a certain programme for discussion and of

II. General Council op 1274. — ^The second John of Vercelli, the new general of the order, a draft

Council of Lyons was one of the most largely attended of formal constitutions. Henri of GOlder, Bishop of

of conciliar assemblies, there being present five hun- Li^^ Frederick, Abbot of St. Paul without the Walls,

dred bishops, sixty abbots, more than a thousand the Bishops of Rhodes and of WUrzburg were deposed

prelates or procurators. Gregory X, who presided, for unworthiness, and certain mendicant ordere were

had been a canon of Lyons; Peter of Tarentaise, who suppressed. The council warmly approved the two

assisted as Csurdinal-Bishop of C^tia, had been Arch- orders of St. Dominic and St. Francis. Fearing the

bishop of Lyons. It opened 7 May, 1274, in the opposition of the King of Spain who had in his king-

churcii of St. John. There were five other sessions dom three religious military; orders, the idea was

(18 May, 7 June, 6 July, 16 July, 17 July). At the abandoned of forming all military orders into one.

second session uregory X owing to the excessive Gregory X, to avoid a repetition of the too lengthy

numbers rejected the proxies of clutpters, abbots, and vacancies of the papal see, caused it to be decided that

unmitred priors, except those who had been sum- the cardinals should not leave the conclave till the

moned by name. Among those who attended the pope had been elected. This constitution ^hink.