Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/646

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Lrriii*.TnHB.— DcroDno). Eiudea lur Ira lirnta Marianim from their respective ConBtitutionB, Directories, and

mrn^io'iH' Dt wSn'iJS^T/ud tJi^'^u^' ,'S^^ Manuals all the aforesaid reguiatioaB." llie pope

taeuie. ett (tiriii, IBiOl: Cckont. Rtdierchci lar It Mam- having thuH abolished compuiaory manlfeBtatlon of

dUifnii, I; La Coimoaonit Manichrmne (Bnusela, 1908); Ip conscience, goea On to torhld superiors, either directly

d^l:°lfl^^i^^^m^^^a^^^!^•^^^^°^^S^^'La " ""li'^tly, to induce their subjects to such nianife*-

'^^mm du afonSiJurM Sum. Vempirt Ramain (Ghent, IMS); tatioa, and conunanda that auch superiors be de-

Kesblch. Mcifif, F"or«»un(fm fl6=r dii mani-cAfliKAc Rriigiim, I nounced to higher superiors jf they violate thU decree,

^%f »^jj'(y^' 'i^")" ^iJi^^' R^^ALlTr'P^t o' >n case of the superior-general to the Sacred Congre-

ThtiA a vSmJ, ManvJuXr: 'FlOqbi,, MmiiiSSit Ldtrc umJ gation of Bishopa and Regulars (now the Coniregation

._■_. =.i_-f.- ,i^^^. ,B*.^. uv>,.„„ H..j_». B.^. .■_ of the Religious Orders). The decree states, hov

that any voluntary manifestation on the part of sub- jects, for the purpose of obtaining help in doubts and

„,. .„ .„., . . ,--. difficulties, and to further their spiritual progress, is

H^S!u'AfV^5!;.-Z'MJ>i3KS:,llmSL,S;,^T«l); not prohibited. Neither does this decree forbid the

Bddbbbt, Uaufit/mMme der OnoiU (Oottiimpn. 1907): SAti- Ordinary domestic Or pftt«tnal interroKation Which is

iiAH«. ManicivrvAe Studim (petenburg. 1908) ; CAfl*inTLU. part of all reiigious government, HOT the solicitude of

dSjCi?(^^vi"i897)^*N«BS5^/S7^"'Mvm"j51ufi^ * superior in mquinng into the manifest troubles or

HwMutlsaz) TiiH-UEitKKTBciuui.'oie/'auJiswjn.r (l^piig. affliction of a Hubject. The pope commanda that the

iSOSjjDaiiiKiieH.OMtAieAiedn-pnojf-inonti-A.arcimiMunicE, decree "Quemadmoduni" be translated into the ver-

ISBOi: a«*uiii, Sttttn d., MaaKhaumu, Uenj, 1B7S), nacular and inserted into the Constitutiona of those

J. r. ASENDZBN. religious institutes which it affects, and that it be read

Huiif«tttioa of OoilBcienM (Ratio Conscibn- publicly on..e a year.

Ti«), a practice in many religious orders and congre- „^""'"™™i ^' .'i^'SV"", ^H^'^- '~!^™<"' l****

gations, by which subjects manifest the state of tKeir ^^^■^'"'^'"'^'^^^,if^y^-i^VA^^n S:„.„.-„„„/tothesuperior,inorderthattheIattermay Wiujam H. W. Jamninq.

know them intimately, and thus further their spirituid Hutllft, Akchdiocese of (de Maniia), eomprisee

progress. This practice has been employed by those the city of Manila, the provinces of Etataan, BuLacao,

devot«d to the ascetical life from the early centuries of Cavite, Mindoro, Nueva E^ija, Pampanga, Rizal, Tar-

the Church, and Cassian's "Conferences" make fre- lac, and Zambalea; and the Districts oT Infanta and

Juent mention of it aa in common uae among the Marinduquein the Province of Tayabas. The area of

atbers of the Desert. It is part of the domestic and this territory is 18,175 square miles. The population,

paternal government of reli^ous institutes and of nearly all CatboUca, is estimated at 1,642,582. By

itoelf requires no ecclesiastical jurisdiction in thesupe- the appointment (March, 1610) of the Rt, Rev. Jose

riora, and hence such a function may be annexed to Patrelu as first Bishop of Lipa, Batangas, the prov-

the office of a lay, or even female, superior. Tbe ineeflof Batangas and Laguna were aeparatcd from the

Imowledge of the state of soul acquired by manitesta- archdiocese of which they had until then been a part.

tion of conscience enables the superior to determine The archidocese includes some 270 towns, or, more

the expediency of the frequency of communion, what properly, townships or counties, since each town may

spiritual reading is to be selected, what penances to be mclude, together with the pueblo several barriot (vil-

practised, what counsel to be given concerning doubts, j^g^) witha population of two or three thousand each.

difficulties, and temptations. Primarily, the object of There are in the arehdiocese 225 secular priests, 182

this manifestation is the ^ood of the mdividual sub- priests representing nine religious orders, 252 par-

ject, though, secondarily. It also affects the good of the lahes (196 of which have resident priests), 70 lay

whole religious institute. The superior cannot indeed brothers, 309 members of nine religious communities

make use of this knowledge for government in auch a of women, a preparatory and a general seminaiv,

way as to inflict any loss or grievous inconvenience on one university, 52 cglleges, academies, and school,

the aubject, and thus reveal the aecret knowledge he with a total attendance of about 5000, and 9 chad-

haa obtained, but be can diapose even external mat- table institutions with approximalely 2fi00 inmates. tera for the interior good of the subject, who is pre- I. Histobt. — Manila was formerly occupied by the

Bumed to tacitly consent to such arrangement. The Spaniards under Legaspi on 19 Mav, 1571. The na-

secret must, however, be kept inviolably, and hence a tivea whom the missionaries found there were idol-

aubject may object to any external use whatever of ators, aacestor-worBhippers, and worshippers of the

the re vetat ions he has made to the superior. He can, sun, moon, and stars, of animals and birds. The

likewise, if he wishes, amplify the right of the superior Mohammedana (Moroa) from Mindanao, however,

to use it. It is to he noted that this manifestation of had begun to force their creed among the natives be-

conscience differs from sacramental confession both In fore Legaspi arrived, and be waa accompanied by

end and in object, as also from judicial and paternal Augustinian Friars, who immediately he^a to es-

investigation, E^'" ^^ doctrines of Christianity to the pa^ns.

Although, by the nature of things, the power of Their conversion was rapid, and in a comparatively

receiving manifestation of conscience is not incompati- abort time churehes were erected, schools opened, and

ble with the state of lay, even female, superiors, yet a printing press established. Tbeeaaetvith which the

by the decree "Quemadmodum", of 17 Dec., 1890, Spanianfi conquered these Islands was due to the *eal

Pope Leo XIII considerably limited the powers of the ofthemisaionaries. That the Filipinos have remained

latter. Tbe decree 8a3^; "His Holiness annuls, abro- loyal to their faith is attested by the Philippine

gates, and declares of no force whatever hereafter, all CoimniasioD (Atkinson, "Tbe Philippine Islands , p.

regulations whatsoever in the Constitutions of pioua 329).

societies and institutes of women who make either The See of Manila, with jurisdiction over all the

simple or solemn vowa, as well as in those of men of Philippine lalands and suffragan to Mexico, was

the purely lay order (even though the said conatitu- erected in 1578. The first bishop, Domingo deSalasar

lions should have received from tH.e Holy See approba- (b. 1512), arrived in Sept., 1581. One of the first acts

tion in whatsoever form, even that which is termed of the bishop was to publish (21 Dec, 1581) regula-

most special), in this one point, in which those consti- tlons for the government of the cathedral chapter,

tutiona regard the secret manifeatation of conacience He appoint«d a dean, canons, and other ecclesiastical

in whatsoever manner or under whatsoever name, officials, and in 1582 convoked a synod at Manila, in-

He therefore seriously enjoins on all superiors, male terrupting it until 1586 on account of the absence from

and female, of such institutes, congregations, and the Fnilippines of the Jesuit Father Sanchez. There

societies absolutely to cancel and expunge altogether were ninetyeccl^astic8,andsix laymen, at the counciL