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44. Hymn of Thanksgiving after Communion.

Ah! what is this enchanting calm
Which thus with peace my bosom fills,
Which o'er my spirit pours a balm,
And through my inmost being thrills?

Is there some seraph hither sent,
Diffusing sweetness from his wings,
To steep my bosom in content
Unknown, unfelt, from earthly things?

No! something purer far must dwell
Within this raptured soul of mine;
'Tis what no mortal tongue can tell,
'Tis more than heavenly, 'tis divine.

My God! my Jesus! it is Thou
Art ravishing my heart with bliss;
Thy presence is within me now:
Ah! could I ask a boon like this?

Yes! stooping from Thy throne above,
Thou wilt not dwell from man apart;
Thy dearest home becomes, through love,
The tabernacle of my heart.

45. Hymn to the Blessed Sacrament.

Jesus! my Lord, my God, my all!
How can I love Thee as I ought?
And how revere this wondrous gift
So far surpassing hope or thought?