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Father Bucas. His experiences. Debarred from teaching Station blacks. His return to Brisbane. Father McNab's second attempt, and failure. Vicariate of North Queens- land iutrusted to the priests of S.8. Peter and Paul. Their want of success. Mission taken in hand by the Augustinian Fathers. Their whole time needed in ministering to wants of white population. Signal failure of German mission. Characteristics of the blacks. Dampier's opinion of them.


Queensland under the Episcopate of the Right Rev. James O'Quinn, D.D. Birth and parentage. Attended school in Dublin. Acquired the education necessary for candidates for ecclesiastical profession. Went to Rome, becoming a student in the Irish College. Rome the "Holy City." Received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, upon graduating, and a gold medal from the Pope. Afflicted with a delicate constitution. Was selected to remain in Rome to prepare a thesis in Universal Theology. High opinion in which he was held by his in- structors and others. Ordained priest. Sent on account of ill health to Blackrock, near Dublin. Did occasional duty in parish of Booterstown and Blackrock. His heroic conduct during a visitation of smallpox. Prophecy made concerning his future. Education question in Ireland. Condemnation by the Pope of Secular Colleges. Their failure as regarded Catholics. Founding of the "Catholic University." Appointment of the Rev. Dr. John Henry Newman as its first Rector. Necessity for University schools. Founding of St. Laurence O'Toole's Seminary. Dr. O'Quinn appointed its first president. Official opening. Length of Dr. O'Quinn's presidency. Appointment of Dr. O'Quinn as confessor to the nuns. Genesis of the Mater Misericordiae Hospital. Dr. O'Quinn's part in same. Preconization of Dr. O 'Quinn as Bishop of Brisbane. Visits the Continent and Rome to secure priests and nuns for his , diocese. Sailed from Gravesend. Arrival at Brisbane. Accompanying Fathers and Sisters. First priests stationed for ordinary work in Moreton Bay territory. First chapel in Brisbane. Old St. Stephen's. Bishop Polding's friend- ship with Pugin. Bishop's library. Stone church began in Ipswich by Father McGinnerty. Incidents of Dean Hanly's life in Queensland. Diocesan Visitation by the Bishop and priests. Second Diocesan Visitation. Dr. O'Quinn a fine horseman. Immigration policy of the Bishop. Government aid to same. Formation of the Queensland Immigration Society. Their labours and results. Antagonistic feeling of Protestants to the coming of Irish Catholics, Withdrawal by Government of concession in aid. Dissolution of Catholic Immigration Society. Educational system in Queensland. Assumption by the State of entire control of the secular system. Establishment of Catholic schools. Grand results attending their creation. Nun's schools assisted by Govern- ment. Public bazaar opened by Nuns to raise funds. Be- poit of Dr. O'Quinn suggesting a division of the Diocese of Brisbane. His reasons for such suggestion. The Bishops objection to foreigners as Bishops in Queensland. Table showing progress made by the Church. Consecration of St.