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Selections from Cassell & Company's Publications.

Books for Young People.

"Little Folks " Half-Yearly Volume. Containing 432 410 pages, with about 200 Illustrations, and Pictures in Colour. Boards, 3s. od.; cloth, 5s.

Bo-Peep. A Book for the Little Ones. With Original Stories and Verses. Illustrated throughout. Yearly Volume. Boards, 2S. od.; cloth, 3s. od.

The Peep of Day. Cassell's ILustrated Edition. 2S. od.

Maggie Steele's Diary. By E. A. Lillwyn as. od.

A Sunday Story-Book. By Maggie Browne, Sam Browne and Aunt Ethel. Illustrated. 3s. od.

A Bundle of Tales. By Maggie Browne (Author of " Wanted—a King," &c.), Sam Browne, and Aunt Ethel. 3s. od.

Fairy Tales in other Lands. By Julia Goudard. Illustrated. 3s. od.

Pleasant Workfor Busy Fingers. By Maggie Bkov ne. Illustrated. 5s.

Born a King. By Frances and Mary Aknolu-Forster. (The Life of Alfonso XIII., the Boy King of Spain.) Illustrated, is.

Cassell's Pictorial Scrap Book. Six Vols. 3s. od. each.

Schoolroom and Home Theatricals. By Arthur Waugh. Illustrated. 2s. od.

Magic at Home. By Prof. Hoffman. Illustrated. Cloth gilt, 53.

Little Mother Bunch. By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated. Cloth, 3s. od.

Pictures of School Life and Boyhood. Selected from the best Authors. Edited by Percy Fitzgerald, M. A. 2s. od.

Heroes of Every-day Life. By Laura Lane. With about 20 Fullpage Illustrations. Cloth. 2s. od.

Bob Lovell's Career. By Edward S. Ellis.

Books for Young People. Cheap Edition,


Illustrated s. od. each.

Viking Life in the Days of

Cloth gilt,

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) ion of Odin; or.

Bound by a Spell; or. The Hunted Witch of the Forest. By the by J. Fred. H$1exlgeits. | Hon. Mrs. Greene.

Under Bayard's Banner'. By Henry Frith.

Books for Young People. Illustrated. 3s. od. each.

  • Bashful Fifteen. By L. I. Meade.

♦fhe White House at Inch O-ow.

By Mrs. f itt.

»A Sweet Qirl Graduate. By L. I.


The King's Command: A Story for G-irls. By Maggie Symington.

Lost in Samoa. A Tale of Adventure in the Navigator Islands. By Edward S. EUis.

Tad; or, "O-eiting Even " with Him. By Edward S. Ellis.

  • The Palace BeautifuL By L. I.



  • Polly: A New-Pashioned QirL B>

L. I. Meade.

"Follow My Leader." By Talbut Baiues Reed.

The Cost of a Mistake. By Sarah

Pitt a World of Girls: The Story of a School. By L. I. Meade.

Lost among White Africans. By David Ker.

For Fortune and Glory: A Story of the Soudan War'. By Lewis Hough.

  • A Isoprocttrable in superior binding, os. eadu

Crown 8vo Library. Cheap Editions.

Bambles Round London. By C.

L. Matdaux. Illustrated.

Around, and About Old England.

By C. L. Mateaux. Illustrated.

Paws and Claws. By one of ine

Authors of " Poems written for a

Child." Illustrated.

Decisive Events in History.

By I homas Archer. With Original


The True Kobinsou Crusoes.

Cloth gilt PeeoB A broad for Folks at Home.

Ulusllated throughout.

Gilt edges, 2S. od. each.

Wild Adventures in Wild Places.

By Dr. Gcrdon Stabks, R. N. Illus-trated.

Modern Explorers. By Thomas

Frobt Illuara ed. New and Cheaper

Edition, Early Explorers. By Thomas Frost Home Chat with our Young Folits.

Illustrated throughout Jungle, Peak, and Plfiin. Illustrated throughout The England of Shakespeare. By

E. Goadby. With Full-page Illua-tra finna,