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Forgive me, my dear friend and brother, that I have run on this tiresome length : I do not, however mean to teach you, of whom I am better qualified to learn, but to remind you of such things as have a tendency to disperse the gloom that may hang over your mind. However, be of good courage and wait on the Lord, and your strength, in his due time, shall be renewed. He is pleased with those who hope in his mercy :- hope therefore in him, and you will yet praise his delivering grace.




MR. JOHN BUNYAN, the celebrated author of the Pilgrim's Progress, and many other useful works, was born at Elstow, near Bedford, in the year 1628.

His parents were very poor, but gave him the best education in their power. Such, however, was his extreme depravity, that he addicted himself, ever in childhood, to the basest of practises, particularly to cursing and swearing, in which he exceeded the worst of his wicked companions,