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came into his company." By this reproof, from such a person. he was entirely confounded ; and from that moment, he refrained, in general, from swearing, though before, he scarcely ever spoke a sentence without an oath.

About this time he had several remarkable dreams, in which he thought that the earth quaked and opened her mouth to receive him-that the end of the world, and the day of judgment, were arrived. Once he dreamed that he was just dropping into the flames among the damned, and that a person in white shining raiment suddenly plucked him as a brand out of the fire These dreams made impressions upon his mind never to be forgotten, and perhaps inclined him many years after to publish the master-piece of all his works, THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, under the similitude of a dream.

Soon after, he fell into the company of a poor man, who made a profession of religion, whose discourse of religion and of the Scriptures so affected him, that he applied himself to reading the Bible, especially the historical parts of it ; but he was yet ignorant of the corruption of human nature, and of the need and worth of Jesus Christ as a Saviour.

However, a reformation of manners took place, which was so remarkable, that his neighbours were greatly surprized at it, and often complimented him upon it. By these commendations he was greatly puffed up with pride, and began to think himself a very good Christian ; and, to use his own words, " That no man in England could please God better than he." But all this was only lopping off the branches of sin, while