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it, and prove it consistent with a state of grace : this diverts his attention from the proper object in that case, and to which he should first looks viz. ' the great atonement and everlasting righteousness of Jesus ;' for under all convictions of sin, the proper question with respect to our comfort is, not how guilty we are, but how we may find forgiveness ? And the answer is, through a penitent faith in that atonement and righteousness ; for be the guilt less or more, this only can purge the conscience from it, and give us the peace of God ; and for this it is all-sufficient : or take it thus,

We are sinners-we hear of a Saviour, and what he has done, and suffered, and is doing for our salvation-the questions are-

1. Are these things so ? Are the facts and doctrines, declarations and promises, of the Gospel true ? If we have any doubt here, our business is with the evidences of the Divinity of the Gospel.

2. Are those declarations and promises, &c. free and open to all without exception, who see their need of the grace therein implied ? If we have any doubt here, the due consideration of the nature and design of the Gospel-the infinite worth of the atonement-the style and language of the invitations and promises, &c. will afford abundant means of satisfaction. Nothing in the world can be more true and certain, than, ' that God so loved the world, as to send his only begotten Son into it ;' and it is as true, that ' whosoever believeth on him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.' Which believing is neither more nor less, as to what is essential to the point,