Page:Celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum.pdf/2

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Fiddlers, your pins in temper fix,
And ruset weel your fiddle sticks;
But banish vile Italian tricks
Frae out your quorum:
Nor fortes wi' pianoe mix,
Gie's Tullochgorom.—Fergusson
Words by Rev. John Skinner.

{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \time 2/2 \partial 8 \relative d'' { \autoBeamOff
d8 | b8. g16 d'8. g,16 c8. f,16 a8. c16 | 
d8. g,16 d'8. g,16 b8. c16 d8. g16 |
c,8. g16 d'8. g,16 c8 f,8 a8. b8*1/2 |
g8. g'16 d8. c16 b4 a8 \bar "||" b8 |
g8. g'16 d8. f16 c8. f,16 a4 | }
\addlyrics { Come gie's a sang the la -- dy cried, And lay your dis -- putes all a -- side; What non -- sense is't for folks to chide For what's been done be -- fore them. Let whig and to -- ry all a -- gree, } }