Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/147

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Are you sick ? Mika sick ?

Are you hungry ? Nah olo mika ?

How did you come ? Kalita mika cliahco ?

Are you thirsty ? Nah, olo chuck mika?

What ails you 1 Kahtah mika ?

Would you like something to eat? iMika tikeh inuckainuck?

Do you want work? Jlika Tikeh mamook?

To do what ?

What do you want me to do ? Iktah mika mamook ?

Cut some wood Mamook stick ?

Certainly Nawitka.

How much do you want for cutting that Kansee dolla spose mika mamook kono-

lot of wood ? way okoke stick?

That is too mucli. I will give half a Ilyas mahkook, nika potlatch sitkum

dollar dolla.

No ! Give three quarters Wake, six ! Potlatch klone quahtah.

Very well ; get to work Kloshe kahkwa ; mamook alta.

Where is the axe ? Kah lahash ?

There it is Yah-wa.

Cut it small for the stove Jlamook tenas, spose chickamin pah.

Give me a saw Potlatch lasee.

I have the saw ; use the axe Halo lasee ; is 'kum lahash.

All right Nawitka.

Bring it inside Lolo stick kopa house.

Where shall I put it ? Kah mika marsh okoka ?

There Yahwa.

Here is something to eat Hahkwa mitlite mika muckamuek.

Here is some bread Hahkwa mitlite piah sapolil.

Now bring some water Klatawa iskum chuck.

Where shall I get it ? Kah nitka iskum ?

In the river there Kopa ikhol yahwa.

Make a fire Mamook piah.

Boil the water Mamook liplip chuck.

Cook the meat Mamook piah ohoke itwillee.

Wash the dishes Wash ohoke leplah.

What shall I wash them in ? Kopa kah ?

In that pan Kopa ohoke kettling.

Come again tomorrow Chahco weght tomolla.

Good-bye Klahowya.

Come here, friend Chahco Yahkwya, six.

What do you want? Iktah mika tikeh ?

I want you to do a little job in the morn- Spose mika mamook tenas mamook tenas

ing sun ?

Come very early Chahco elip sun.

At six o'clock Chahco yahkwa tahkum tintin.

Oh, here you are ! Alah ! Mika chahco.

Carry this box to the steamer Lolo okoko lecasset kopa piah ship.

Take this bag also Lolo weght lesac.