Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/320

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"It is with regret that I return any bill unsigned, but I feel that we both have duties to perform and when we think duty points out the way, I trust we may always be found willing to follow it.

"Geoege Abernethy. "

treasurer's report

State of the Treasury, December, 1846

Funds in hand

Amount due by George Abernethy, per account $ 81.54

Amount due by John H. Couch 16.92

Amount due by F. W. Pettygrove 11.27

Amoi^nt due by H. B. Gomp (Fort Vancouver) 16.42

$ 126.15


Amount due H. B. Comp (Oregon City) $ 140.94

Amount collected of estate of Ewing Young 2,815.00

Scrip outstanding at this date, not paid 1,879.64

$4,835.59 Receipts since December 1, 1846, to date.

Taxes from John R. Jackson, sheriff Lewis county $ 24.48

Taxes from John R. Jackson, sheriff Vancouver county 57.73

Taxes from Wm. Holmes, sheriff Clackamas county 115.00

License paid by R. K. Payne 100.00

License paid by H. N. Winslow 100.00

Absentee tax, paid by John R. Jackson (Vancouver) 10.00

$ 407.31 Taxes from John R. Jackson (error).

The receipts since December 1, 1846, have been paid me wholly in scrip. Interest paid on scrip, December 9 3.59

$ 403.72

Balance liabilities $4,431.86

John P. Brooks, Deputy Treasurer. December 9. 1846.


Of the Governor of Oregon Territory, December 7, 1847.

■"To the Honc/rable the Legislative Asseinbly of Oregon Territory,

' ' Fellow Citizens : Contrary to the expectation of all who reside in this territory, you are again convened under the provisional government of Oregon. After learning that the boundary line question was settled, there was hardly a ■doubt resting in the mind of any individual with regard to the extension of the