Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/409

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Summers, George.
Summers, W. C.
Sutton, Nathaniel.
Swift, — .
Tarbox, Stephen.
Teller, Jeremiah.
Tharp, Lindsey.
Thompson, John.
Trainor, D.
Umnicker, John.
Vance, Samuel.
Vauglian, William.
Vernon, George.
Wagoner, John.
Wair, J. W.
Waldo, Daniel.
Waldo, David.
Waldo, William.
Ward, T. B.
Waters, James.
Watson, Jno. (Betty)
Wheeler, II.
White, James.
Williams, Benjamin.
Williams, David.
Williams, Edward.
Williams, Isaac.
Williams, James.
Williams, John.
Williams, Squire.
Wilmont, James.
Wilson, Wm.
Wilson, W^m. H.
Winkle, Archibald.
Winter, Wm.
Zaehary, Alexander.
Zachary, John.

There were in Oregon at the time the train arrived, the following individuals, few names, possibly, having been omitted from the list :

Armstrong, Pleasant.
Bailey, Dr. William J.
Baldra, — .
Balis, James.
Black, J. M.
Brainard, — .
Brown, — .
Brown, — .
Brown, William.
Burns, Hugli.
Campbell, Jack.
Campbell, Samuel.
Cannon, William.
Carter, David.
Connor, — .
Cook, Aaron.
Cook, Amos.
Craig, Wm.
Crawford, ]Medoi'em.
Davy, Allen.
Doughty, William.
Eakin, Richard.
Ebbetts, George W.
Edwards, John.
Fletcher, Francis.
Force, James.
Force, John.
Foster, Philip.
Gale, Joseph.
Gay, George.

Girtman, — .
Hall, David.
Hatch, Peter H.
Hathaw-ay, Felix.
Hauxhurst, Webly.
Hewitt, Adam.
Holman, Joseph.
Horegon, Jeremiah.
Hubbard, Thomas J.
Hutchinson, — .
Johnson, William.
Kelsey, — .
King, — .
Larrison, Jack.
Le Breton, G. W.
Lewis, Reuben.
Mack, J. W.
Matthieu, P. X.
McCarthy, William.
ilcClure, John.
McFadden, — .
McKay, Charles.
McKay, Thomas.
McKay, William C.
Meek, Joseph L.
Moore, Robert.
Morrison, J. L.
Moss, S. W.
Newbanks, — .
Newell. Robert.

O'Neill, James A.
Perry, — .
Pettygrove, F. W.
Pomeroy, Dwight.
Pomeroy, Walter.
Rimmick, — .
Robb, J. R.
Russell, Osborn.
Sailor, Jack.
Shortess, Robert.
Smith, Alvin T.
Smith, Andrew.
Smith, Andrew, Jr.
Smith, Dai-ling.
Smith, Sidney.
Spence, — .
Taylor, Hiram.
Tibbetts, Calvin.
Trask, — .
Turner, John.
Turnham, Joel.
Walker, C. M.
Warner, Jack.
Wilkins, Caleb.
Williains, B.
Wilson, A. E.
Winslow, David.
Wood, Henry.