Page:Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, Volume 1.djvu/521

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where he continued to reside surrounded by a large family. He died October 14, 1876, after a long and exemplary life. Portland Standard, October 27, 1876.

David Linenberger, emigrated from Virginia. In 1851 he moved to Siskiyou county, California, where he engaged in mining. He died September 7, 1868. Yreka Union, September 12, 1868.

Rev. Joseph E. Parrott, a man of fine talents and a tirm Methodist was born in Missouri, in 1821, emigi-ated to Oregon, in 1848, and married Susan Gar- rison, in 1851, who died in August, 1869. On the 31st of May, 1870, he mar- ried Mrs. L. A. Worden. On the 3rd of September, 1872, he died at his home near Lafayette in Yamhill county. Portland Advocate, September 19, 1872.

Buford Smith, who settled in Marion county, after a long residence removed to Northern California, where he remained a few years and returned to Oregon, having lost his health. He survived the change but a short time, and the once energetic and always genial pioneer of 1848 passed to his rest at the age of 70 years, November 6, 1870. Salem Farmer, Nov, 12, 1870.

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, wife of Buford Smith, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in November, 1876. Their sons were A., Charles and William Smith, who resided at Silverton in Marion county. Salem Statesman, November 24, 1876.

William Greenwood was born in Hardy county, Va., September 13, 1806 ; on the 12th of August, 1828, he married Elizabeth Jane Bramel, and in 1832 removed to St. Louis, Mo., and two years later to near Burlington, Iowa, emigrating in 1858 to Oregon, and settling on Howell Prairie. He was always an upright and industrious citizen. He was elected to the State senate in 1862, serving four years. His death occurred May 18, 1869, from injuries received by accident, leaving two sous and two daughters and a lai-ge estate. Id., August 9, 1869.

Mrs. Jane Belknap, wife of Jesse Belknap, died December 10, 1876. Born in Penu., in 1792, she emigrated with her parents to western N. Y., in 1796. At the age of 16 she became a convert to Methodism, and on settling with her husband in Benton county, kept open house to the ministry, entertaining Bishop Simpson on his first visit to Oregon to preside over the first annual conference of the Methodist church. She had a large family of children. Her husband survived her. Portland Advocate, December 21, 1876.

Rev. John W. Starr was born in Va., in 1795, removed to Ohio in childhood and from thit state in 1839 to Van Buren Co., Iowa, emigrating in 1848 to Oregon and locating in Benton county. He was an ardent preacher of his faith from youth to old age. Id., March 20, 1869.