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Mission Property.

time proposed to purchase this house for the English political residency, and it may be worth consideration whether, if a good price were offered, it might not be well to accept it, and to find or build a more convenient schoolhouse for the girls elsewhere. The question as to where the Bishop will for the future fix his general residence, is of course most important in this respect. Extensive repairs were rendered necessary by the cyclone, and are still in progress.

2. A very small house a short distance behind the larger one. It has been used as a lodging for guests and others for whom there was not room elsewhere, and when necessary as a small-pox hospital.

3. A piece of land (perhaps about eight acres) about two miles out of the town, known as Kiungani, or among the natives as Kiinua mguu, on which stand the buildings occupied as a boys' school, and sometimes called St. Andrew's College. It is admirably situated for health, but the soil is very barren. Extensive repairs are going on here also.

4. A small piece of land, perhaps about two acres, containing the mud and thatch house occupied by the subdeacon, John Swedi, who cultivates a portion of it. It is near, but not adjoining to the larger Kiungani premises,

5. A piece of very fertile land (about thirteen acres) nearly five miles from the town with a small