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  • jective idealism, that matter is effete mind, inveterate habits

becoming physical laws. But before this can be accepted it must show itself capable of explaining the tridimensionality of space, the laws of motion, and the general characteristics of the universe, with mathematical clearness and precision; for no less should be demanded of every Philosophy.

Modern mathematics is replete with ideas which may be applied to philosophy. I can only notice one or two. The manner in which mathematicians generalize is very instructive. Thus, painters are accustomed to think of a picture as consisting geometrically of the intersections of its plane by rays of light from the natural objects to the eye. But geometers use a generalized perspective.[1] For instance in the figure let O be the eye, let A B C D E be the edge-*]

  1. [The reader will find further light on the following illustration in any text-book of projective geometry, e.g., Reye, Geometry of Position, I, pp. 17-24, or Encyc. Britannica, XI, p. 689.