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The Thunderbolt

from the Budgrow along with him. Parbati was following her, but she was stopped by Ramcharan. She remained in the boat out of fear. Shaibalini got into the palanquin, as asked by Ramcharan, who led it to Pratap's lodging.

Even then Dalani and Kulsam were putting up at Pratap's place. Ramcharan did not take Shaibalini into their room, lest their sleep were disturbed. He conducted her to an upstairs apartment, and after lighting a lamp there, asked her to take rest. He then made his obeisance to Shaibalini, and departed, closing the door of the room from out-side,

"Whose house is this?" inquired Shaibalini of Ramcharan, as he was leaving the room. Ramcharan turned a deaf ear to the query and left the place.

Ramcharan had brought Shaibalini to Pratap's house at his own discretion—Pratap had instructed him otherwise. He had directed Ramcharan to take the palanquin to Jagat Sett's place. In the way Ramcharan thought within himself, "Is there any possibility of my finding, at this hour of the night, Jagat Sett's gate open? Even if I find it open, will the porters allow me to get into the