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Chandra Shekhar

"This is my lodging," was Pratap's brief reply.

Shaibalini in fact had not fully regained the usual calmness of her mind—her heart was burning within herself, as if on fire—even her nails were quivering. Each particular hair of her body stood up on its end. She remained silent for some time and picking up a little strength, asked,

"Who brought me here?"

Pratap. We have brought you here.

Shaibalini. 'We'! Who are the persons, Pratap?

Pratap. My servant and myself.

Shaibalini. Why have you brought me here, and for what purpose?

Pratap got much annoyed and said in an angry tone, "No one should see the face of a sinner like you. We have rescued you from the hands of a wicked alien, yet you question why we have brought you here!"

Shaibalini did not show temper at Pratap's outburst. With a trembling voice, almost weeping, she gently said, "If you had considered my living with an alien under the same roof to be my misfortune, why did you not kill me in the boat? You had guns with you."

Pratap got more annoyed and said, rather