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Chandra Shekhar

Bakaullah followed the palanquin unobserved as far as Pratap's lodging. He saw that Shaibalini entered into that house, and immediately left for Amyatt's quarters. On his arrival there he noticed considerable agitation in the camp. Amyatt had already heard what happened in Foster's Budgrow. Bakaullah came to know that Amyatt had promised a reward of a thousand rupees to any one who would find out the rowdy oppressors, on that very night. Bakaullah went to Amyatt and reported to him everything in detail. He said, "I can point out the house of the offenders." At this Amyatt's countenance became cheerful, and his contracted eyebrows became straight again. He ordered four sepoys and a native officer to accompany Bakaullah. "Go, and drag the ruffians here before me," then said he with all the weight of his authority.

"In that case, pray, order two Englishmen to accompany me—Pratap Roy is Satan incarnate—no native of this country will be able to arrest him," urged Bakaullah persuasively. Two armed Englishmen—Golston and Johnson—set out with Bakaullah, at Amyatt's command.

"Did you ever go within that house?" inquired