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Golston and Johnson

the door, I must do so with a gun in hand. He must be a damned fool who trusts in "Indil mindil."

Ramcharan also thought that, perhaps, one gun was not sufficient and that he should call up his master. So he came away from the gate to call up Pratap.

Now the Englishmen lost their patience. "We need not wait any more," cried Johnson fretfully, unable to endure the delay. "Kick at the door, the Indian door will not stand British kicks."

Golston kicked at the door—it cracked, jarred and made a rattling noise. Ramcharan ran. The noise reached Pratap's ears. He began to descend the stairs to come down. The door did not break at that kick. Then Johnson kicked at it and it gave way.

"Let, in this way whole India crumble down under British kicks," vaunted forth the Englishmen and entered into the house—the sepoys followed them in.

Pratap met Ramcharan on the stairs. "Hide yourself in the darkness—some Englishmen have come, perhaps, from Ambat's camp," whispered Ramcharan to Pratap.

Ramcharan would pronounce Amyatt as Ambat.