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Chandra Shekhar

self was not hideous or horrible, but in the night, in that wide lonely river shore, it resounded like a dreadful cry.

Amyatt gave up playing, and rose up. He came out of the cabin, and began to look around. He saw nobody. He noticed that there was no burning-place near by, and the sound was coming from the middle of the sandy bank. Amyatt then alighted from the boat and followed up the sound. After he had advanced a little, he saw some one sitting alone on the sands. He drew nearer, and found that a woman was crying aloud. He did not know Hindi Well, but nevertheless asked the woman, "Who are you? Why are you crying here?" The woman could not understand his wonderful Hindi, and continued to cry aloud, as before.

Amyatt not having received any reply to his repeated queries, made a sign to her to follow him. The woman rose up at the hint. Amyatt moved on, and she followed him, crying all the way as before. She was no other than wicked Shaibalini herself.