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Chandra Shekhar

hands, and so an irresistible feeling of hatred for the English sprang up in Pratap's mind. Pratap decided that he would again get hold of Foster, and put an end to his sinful life. This time, he would burn into ashes Foster's dead body, or he would again escape death—if he would bury him he might rend his way out of the grave. He also decided that it was highly desirable to drive the English 'out' of Bengal; for there might be many more Fosters among them.

Pratap returned to Monghyr in that small boat, meditating all the way. He entered into the Castle and found that preparations for war against the English were being made there with ardent zeal and enthusiasm. Pratap was much gratified at this. He thought within himself, "Will not the Nawab be able to drive the devils out of Bengal? Would not Foster be seized? It is the duty of every man to help the Nawab in this matter, to the extent of his capacity. Even the squirrels[1] could bridge up the sea, can I not render any assistance? What can I do? I

  1. It is said that the squirrels helped Rama to build that vast causeway, by which he crossed the sea to invade Ceylon, to rescue his good queen Sita from the hands of the wicked Rakshasa-king Ravana.