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the wreck of sin

handra shekhar called out, "Shaibalini!"

Shaibalini got up, and sat by him. She then fixed her eyes upon his face, and instantly fell on the ground, overpowered with emotion; her lips touched his feet, as if, to beg his forgiveness with a kiss. Chandra Shekhar raised her up, and made her sit, supporting her feebled body on his arms. Shaibalini began to weep loudly, and again fell on Chandra Shekhar's feet—she said, "Oh! What will be my fate now!"

"Why did you want to see me!" inquired Chandra Shekharcalmly.

Shaibalini controlled her tears and wiped her eyes. She then said in an exceedingly calm and sombre voice, "It seems, I shall not live long."

Shaibalini now shuddered at the recollection of what she saw in her dreams. Resting her head on her little palm, she remained silent for a time and then said,