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Chandra Shekhar

the Mahamedans will think that we have been frightened by them. It is a thousand times better to stand here and meet death, than to run away in fear; but Foster is ill and bedrid—he is unfit to die with sword in hand; so, order him to go to the Residency. Ask the Begum and the other woman to go with him and let two Sepoys accompany them—it is quite useless for them to stay in the field of action."

After the Sepoys had got themselves ready, they hid themselves within the boat, at Amyatt's command. There was no dearth of small holes in the matted walls of the country-boats, and so, near each hole a Sepoy knelt down with his gun, to fire at the enemies, unobserved. Dalani and Kulsam got up on Foster's boat, as enjoined on them by Amyatt. Foster left with them for the Residency, with two Sepoys guarding his boat. The scouts of Mahammad Taki saw this, and went to their chief to inform him of it.

When Mahammad Taki heard of this, and found that the Englishmen did not turn up at his place at the appointed hour, he sent a messenger to Amyatt's boat to bring along with him the invited Englishmen. Amyatt, however, told the