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Chandra Shekhar

beauty! Oh, my God! why have you made sorrow so charmingly beautiful? What shall I do with this distressed girl of matchless beauty—this torn flower in the bloom of fragrance—this joyous boat in the midst of the battering waves—oh, where shall I keep her?" Satan whispered into Taki's ears, "Within your own heart."

Mahammad Taki then said to Dalani, "Listen to my advice, fair lady, dedicate your life in love to me—you shall not have to take poison."

Hearing these rude words, Dalani—we feel ashamed to say—gave a kick to Mahammad Taki. The villain, however, did not give her poison and slowly left the room, casting askance glances at her, as he went out.

Dalani then threw herself on the floor, overpowered with grief and emotion. She wept bitterly and exclaimed, "Oh thou mighty king of kings—my life's beloved lord—my all in all, what a cruel sentence have you passed on your faithful and devoted Dalani! You want me to end my life with poison—why should I not, if you desire it? To me, your love is nectar and your displeasure the bitterest venom in the world—when you have been annoyed with me, I have already taken