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The Emperor and His Wealth

of the rose—Kulsam had truly said—"The ruler of Bengal is a fool."

The Nawab then said to the noblemen of his court, "Listen to me, it is beyond my power to retain this kingdom any more. The slave girl has truly said, that the ruler of Bengal is a fool. If you can save this kingdom from ruin, good and well—I shall take leave of you all and quit this place; I shall either take shelter within the female quarters in the castle at Ruhidas, or lead the life of a mendicant."

The Nawab paused for a while—his strong and majestic body began to shake with emotion—he controlled his tears with much effort and again said, "Listen to me, my faithful friends! if the English kill me, like Seerajuddaulah, do not fail to bury me by the side of the grave of my dear and devoted Dalani—remember this is my last request to you. I cannot speak any more—you may now leave me alone; but before you go away, do something for me—I like to see that Taki Khan once. Ali Ibrahim Khan! I have no better friend than yourself, in this world—it is my request to you, that you should anyhow bring before me that treacherous Mahammad Taki."