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Chandra Shekhar

himself that the punishment was too severe for his crime. Like a mean and ungrateful guilty servant, he became angry upon his old masters and resolved to do them harm, with all the zeal of an enemy.

At that time, one Dyce Schembre, a Swiss or a German by nationality, was serving Mir Kashim, as one of the leading officers in the army. This man was popularly known as "Samaru". Samaru was now present at Udayanalla, with the force under his command. Foster came there to meet him. He, first of all, very cleverly managed to send a messenger to Samaru. The latter thought that much information about the plans of the English could be obtained if Foster were taken into his army. So, Foster was admitted into Samaru's camp, where he cunningly assumed the name of John Stalkart. Lawrence Foster was in Samaru's camp when Amir Hossain was about to set out in search of that wicked profligate.

After leaving Kulsam in the proper place, Amir Hossain set himself to find out Foster. At the very outset, he came to know from his attendants that an Englishman had enlisted himself as a soldier in the Nawab's army, and that he was