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Spiritual or Psychic Force

She would not touch Shaibalini, as she had lost her caste ; but, Sundari did so on the present occasion, only because she would undergo self-ablution, as usual, on her return home from Shaibalini's place.

Chandra Shekhar now said to those who were present in the room, "You all go out—come in when I ask."

When all went out, Chandra Shekhar placed the cup, containing the drug, on the floor. He then asked Shaibalini to sit up. She did not do so—she began to sing lowly. He fixed his eyes upon her firmly, and began to give her handfuls of that drug, at short intervals. Ramananda Swami had told him that the medicine was nothing else but the holy water from his sacred Kamandalu. He had also told him, on being asked, that it would give Shaibalini spiritual powers.

After this, Chandra Shekhar began to mesmerize Shaibalini. Slowly and gradually her eyes were closed and she was soon over-powered with mesmeric sleep.

Chandra Shekhar now called out, "Shaibalini!"

"My lord," responded she, in her sleep.

Chandra Shekhar. Can you say who am I?