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Chandra Shekhar

half-dead, to be finished by them when they felt hungry again. I order such a punishment for you and the treacherous Taki Khan.

At this, Mahammad Taki burst forth into a hideous cry of distress, like an afflicted brute. Foster knelt down and with folded hands and up-turned eyes, began to pray to God for his deliverance—he said within himself, "Oh, omnipotent Father! I have never in my life taken your holy name or thought of your divine grace. I have all along sinned against you. It never occurred to me that you are omnipresent. But I venture to invoke your help, because I am helpless to-day—oh, thou friend of the needy and the succour of the distressed! come to my help and save me from the impending danger."

Good readers! don't be surprised at this. Even the man who does not believe in the existence of God, invoke his divine help in the hour of gloom—he invokes it with all the sincerity and devotion of his heart. Foster too prayed, and devotedly prayed, for Heaven's mercy.

While lowering his eyes after prayer, Foster quite unexpectedly saw, at the entrance of the tent, a striking, hoary-headed personality, casting