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The Barber Woman

I can get alms in that city. If I am to put an end to my life, I will do that. Death is at my will. What other alternative have I now but to die? But, whether I live or die, I have resolved not to return home. You have, for nothing, taken so much trouble—go back, I will not return. Think me dead. Be sure, sooner or later, I will die. You better go home.

After this, Sundari made no further request. Checking her tears, she rose up and said, "I trust, you will soon die. I earnestly pray to God that you may have sufficient courage to court death. May your life come to an end before you reach Monghyr. May death come upon you either through storm, or tempest, or the capsize of your boat, before you get into that city." Sundari then came out of the boat. She threw into the water the basket of Alta and returned to her husband.