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Kulsam. What's it? Am I to eat a Hilsa fish or take a bath in cold water?

Dalani. Stop, thou naughty fool. It is no joke. If the Nawab comes to know of it, he will throw both of us under the feet of an elephant.

Kulsam. But can he know of it at all? I have stolen much essence and scented water, gold and silver, but just say,who has come to know of it? It seems to me that in the case of men, the two eyes are given only to beautify the head—they don't see anything with them. I don't remember to have ever seen a man detecting the trickery of a woman.

Dalani. Fool! I don't mean the eunoch attendants. The Nawab is certainly not like ordinary men. What can he not know and understand?

Kulsam. What can I not hide and conceal? Now, what am I to do?

Dalani. Only a letter shall have to be sent to the Commander-in-chief.

Kulsam remained silent in surprise. Dalani asked, "What do you say to this?"

Kulsam. Who will address the letter?

Dalani. I myself.

Kulsam. How is it? Have you run mad?

Dalani. Almost.