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Chandra Shekhar

sweet and full of pity and sympathy. So Kulsam said,

"We are Women. Pray, who are you?"

" 'We'? How many are you then?" inquired the man.

"We are only two", replied Kulsam.

"What are you doing here at this hour of the night?" he asked, in surprise.

Dalani then said, "We are two unlucky women—of what interest will our tale of sorrow be to you?"

"There are moments when even a most insignificant man can render help. If you are in trouble, let me know of it—I will help you to the extent of my capacity," replied the stranger gently.

Dalani. To help us out is almost an impossibility—who are you, please?

Stranger. "I am a humble man—only a poor Brahmin and an ascetic."

Dalani. Whoever you may be, your words are inspiring confidence in us. One, who is on the point of being drowned, cannot think of the fitness or unfitness of a support. But if you at all desire to know of our distress, please come away from the broad thoroughfare to a lonely place. In the night we cannot see if any one is within the reach of