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to her parched lips. A galvanic current ran through the length and breadth of the country; India shook off her torpor and like the fabled phoenix rose as it were from her ashes. The glow of health had long forsaken her cheeks, the pallor of death had overspread her countenance, and she had been gasping for breath. Now the colour came back to-her cheeks, she heaved with life and vigour in a renewed adolescence and she brought forth her noble sons. And Bunkim was one of the noblest'of them. Such were the environments in which Bunkim was ushered into existence.

Born in 1838, Bunkim soon found his way into an English School From School to College was an easy slide. He graduated at the Hughli College, passed his law at the Presidency College at Calcutta, and was one of the first graduates of the Calcutta University. He was made a Deputy Magistrate, he obtained the title of Roy Bahadur and the distinction of the Order of a Companion of the Indian Empire was conferred on him.

By the time Bunkim finished his College career English education had done its work, and Bunkim throbbed and palpitated with an intellectual ferment. The Occident had projected on the Orient and the new thoughts and ideas surged up for a vent. Bunkim began to write novels and conduct a periodical entitled “The Bangadarshan.” The magic charm of his pen soon resuscitated the Bengali language and imparted a unique life and vigour to it. Was