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sunrise: “I wait for the dawn,” said the cock, “for the light is my signal; but as for thee—the light is thy ruin”; and, finally, what Mr. Jacobs calls the grim beast-tale of the Fox as Singer, in which the beast—-invited by the lion to a feast, and covered by him with the skins of wild beasts—are led by the fox in a chorus: “What has happened to those above us, will happen to him above”, implying that their host, too, will come to a violent death. In the context the fable is applied to Haman, whose fate, it is augured, will resemble that of the two officers whose guilt Mordecai detected.

Such fables are used in the Talmud to point religious or even political morals, very much as the parables were. The fable, however, took a lower flight than the parable, and its moral was based on expediency, rather than on the highest ethical ideals. The importance of the Talmudic fables is historical more than literary or