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O redeem the vineyard which thou hast planted,
And sweep thence the strangers, and save us now!
O regard the covenant which thou hast sealed in us!
O remember for us the father who knew thee,
To whom thou, too, didst make known thy love,
And save us now!

O deal wondrously with the pure in heart
That thy providence may be seen of men, and save us now!
O lift up Zion’s sunken gates from the earth,
Exalt the spot to which our eyes all turn,
And save us now!

Such hymns won for Kalir popularity. which, however, is now much on the wane.


Kalir and Jannai.

Graetz.—III, 4.
Translations of Poems in Editions of the Prayer-Book, and J. Q. R., VII, p. 460; IX, p. 291.
L. N. Dembitz.—Jewish Services, p. 222 seq.