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Kalends, the days of the, 9
Karbin, mentioned, 50
Khorsabad, the palace of, 259
Knights, the social position of the, 212


Ladies, the, of Rome, 30
Langres, the district of, 90

the birrus of, 88;
the city of, 219

Lares, the veneration of the, 190
Latin morals, the severity of, 61
Latin spirit, the similarity of the, 256
Laws of Julian, the, 151
Legislative reforms, the, 21
Leibach, the trade through, 192
Lepidus mentioned, 172
Letronne, the researches of, 45
Lex de adulteriis, the, 148
Lex de maritandis ordinibus, the, 147
Lex Julia de adulteriis, the, 169
Lex sumptuaria, the, 148
Libertine poet, a, in the year 8 B.C., 151
Licinius, the characteristics of, 79
Linen, the manufacture of, 219
Litterati, the many, 218
Livia, (also see: Istrian wine)

the mother of Tiberius, 162;
the position of, 168

Livia, the House of, 7
Livy, the point of view of, 3
Lollia Paulina, the fame of, 9

the rising power of, 18;
wine used by, 184

Lusitania, a mission to, 117
Luxuria, the desire of, 14

of Rome, 125;
spread of, 186


Macrobius, the writings of, 155
Mamertine, a kind of wine, 199
Mania, the all absorbing, of Nero, 128
Marcellus, the privileges accorded, 160
Marius, the revolution of, 18
Martial, passages from, 90
"Mass," the so-called, 182
Mater familias, the honour of, 39
Maurel, André, the writings of, 251
Mazzini, the great, 63
Mediterranean world, the vast, 97
Merchandise, the great interchange of, 218
Mesia, the metropolis of, 219
Messalina, the death of, 103
Middle Ages, the cathedrals of the, 140
Military power, the weakening of the, at Rome, 167
Military Republic, the, 136
Military triumph, the, of Rome, 197