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Ptolemies, the, at Alexandria, 19
Ptolemies, the kingdom of the, 46
Public finance, the lack of, 144
Punic War, the Second, 3, 214


Quæstor, the office of the, 211
Quintilius Varus, the governor of Syria, 166
Quintus Metullus Celerus, the consul, 74


Reinach, Joseph, the historian, 63
Republic, the last century of the, 14, 198
Respublica, the glory of the, 264
Revue de Paris, the, 63
Rheims, the vicinity of the city of, 206
Rhetian wine, the preference for, 199
Rhine, the river, 72
Roads, the construction of, 213
Rodi, Tiberius to go to, 162
Roman Catholic, the position of the, 236
Roman Empire, the dissolution of the, 140, 210
Roman history in modern education, 239
Roman nobility, the, 54
Roman protectorate, the, 46
Roman society, the dissolution of, 5
Romanism, the defence of, 111
Rome, in the beginning, 5
Romulus as a lawmaker, 183
Royal palaces, the closing of, 215
Ruteni, the, a tribe of Gaul, 86


Saint Mark, the wonder of, 140
Saintonge, the district of, 90
Savants, the, of the East, 55
Scipio Africanus, the work of, 153
Scipios, the policy of the, 226
Second Punic War, the, 3,214
Seine, the banks of the, 206
Sempronius Gracchus, a famous tribune, 56

the Roman, 103;
sessions of the, 105

Seneca, the political work of, 104
Sesterces, the value of the Roman, 223
Sicily, the peasants of, 187

the artisans of, 88;
the city of, 219

Silk, the importation of, 220
Silver-plating, the art of, 228
Slaves, the abundance of, in Rome, 15
Slaves, the position of, 212
Social development, the, of the Roman Empire, 207 ff
Social laws, the, 148, 153