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Varus, the catastrophe of, 166
Vatican field, the stadium in the, 124
Velleius, the report of, 93
Veneto, the peasants of the, 187
Venosa, an old poet from, 195
Venus, Cleopatra compared to, 39
Vices, the extent of, 27
Villas, the, of Gaul, 99
Vine-tenders, the, of Rome, 182
Vineyards, the destruction of the, 390
Virgil, the fame of, 23
Viticulture, the, of Italy, 196


Wine, in Roman history, 179 ff;

an inferior variety made in Italy, 182;
as a medicine, 183

Wine-dealers, the, of Rome, 182
Women of to-day and yesterday, 29
Wool industry, the, of Gaul, 90


Xerxes, the fame of, 63