Page:Charles Lee Papers 1873 Vol 3.djvu/498

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tract or Parcel of Land Called Hopewell Lying and Being in Berkley County & Province of Virginia Containing and Laid out for two thousand seven hundred & fifty acres of Land more or less on the Payment of their Bond Given to General Lee for five thousand four hundred and ninety seven pounds ten Shillings Sterling money as will more fully appear by Articles of Agreement Mutually entered into by the parties above Mentioned then the Above Obligation to be void Else to Remain in full force and virtue in Law.

Charles Lee. seal.:

Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of

Joshua Brown
William Frost
Rachel Dorsey

Recd November 10th 1780. of Edward Dorsey Son of John the Sum of sixty pounds two shillings and six pence in gold and silver in part of the within Bond Equal to Thirty six pounds one Shilling & Six pence Sterling money

Charles Lee.

£36: 1: 6: stg.

{{fine|Endorsed: G. Charles Lee. Bond to Ed. and Ezekiel John Doreey for the Conveyance of his Estate in Berkley County, Virginia. [Gen' Lee's Interest being in Jeopardy, and he liable to be paid in depreciated Paper for a sterling debt, his Berkley Estate was snatched like a Brand out of the Burning by the Exertions of Wm Goddard.]

Draft of Memorandum, etc. We the Subscribers E. D. & E. J. D. having agreed to and with W. & M. K. G. attornies of & for C. L. of Virginia — in consideration of their Bill on R. M. Esqr, of Philadelphia payable to us or order for the sum of

n. (if any money paid by the attornies then add — and of the sum of---- to us paid) and of their hav-