Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/158

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DYCK (Anthony van)

(1099- 1641)

9. — Portrait of Jerome Weston. Earl of Portland

Three-quarters face, about fifty years of age, with scanty hair, a pointed beard, and moustaches, lie wears a full ruff round his neck, and the Order of St. George hangs on his breast. Bust. Life-size.

Signed : Antonio Van Dycke. Canvas, 23 3/4 in. by 20 in.

The portrait engraved by Y. Hollar. From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.

DYCK (Anthony v a n )


10. — Portrait of a Gentleman

Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator. Short hair, moustaches, and chin-tuft. Habited in a black dress and mantle, and white ruff. 1 1 is right hand is extended downwards; his left, partly gloved, points to the right. A view of a landscape on the right. Three-quarters figure. Life-size.

Canvas,q5in. by3512in.

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