Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/160

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FLINCK (Govaert)


11. — Portrait of a Lady

Turned to the left, leaning on a balustrade, her hands crossed in front of her. She wears a grey gown, open at the neck. A red curtain forms the background on the right; a landscape-view on the left. Half-length figure. Life-size.

Signed : G. Flinck f. 1646 . Canvas, 46 1 4 in. by .14 1/2 in.

From the Collection of Arthur Leigh Guinness, Esq.

FLINCK (Govaert)


12. — Portrait of a Gentleman

Turned to the right, leaning on a balustrade, in a grey dress and mantle bordered with gold. 1 1 is right hand extended, his left resting on his hat. Red curtain in the background. View of a landscape on the right. Half-length figure. Life-size.

Signed : G. Flinck f. 1646 . Canvas,461/4in.by3412in.

From the Collection of Arthur Leigh Guinness, Esq.