Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/20

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HONDECOETER (Melchior d’)


11. — Fowl in a Park

In the centre, a peacock, surrounded by a flamingo, a hen-pheasant. a cock and a hen. A parrot is perched on a stone parapet on the left, at the foot of which is a little monkey eating fruit. Other fowls are seen in the middle distance, and the view of a park with a mansion forms the background.

Signed : M. d’llondecoeter.

Canvas, 46 in. by 62 in.

From Prince Kannitz' Gallery, Vienna.

From the Collection of M. G. Rothan, Paris, 1890.

HOOCH (Pieter de)

(1630-after 1677

12. — Interior with Figures

In the centre, near an open window, through which is seen a river bordered with trees, a gentleman in a red dress and black hat. and a lady holding a cup in her right hand, are seated at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which is a plate with a glass of wine, and an orange. A negro-servant is pouring coffee into a cup. In the foreground on the left, a female servant kneeling near a chimney, ornamented with columns, arranges the lire with a pair of tongs. Two dogs are on the right. In another room in the background, a gentleman is seen to enter.

Canvas,26 12in. by33in.

From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq.. London.