Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/22

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JANSSENS van CEULEN' (Cornelius)


13. — Portrait of a Lady, supposed to be Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I

Standing, turned three-quarters to the left, the hands clasped at the waist; she is dressed in a black silk robe with wide slashed sleeves, the bodice enriched with pearls. Her ears and wrists are also adorned with pearls, and strings of the same jewels arc round her neck and in her hair.

Green curtain in the background.

Canvas, 44 1/2 in. by 36 in.

From the Gallery of the Duchesse dc Berry, Venice. — Collection ol' 1). F. Sellar, Fsq.. Paris, 18R0. ^ M. Jules Poores. Paris.

JANSSENS van CEULEN (Cornelius)


14. — Portrait of a Gentleman.

Turned to the right, looking at the spectator, lie wears a black doublet and a loose mantle of the same colour; a skull-cap on his full curly hair. His right hand is placed on his hip. his left holds his gloves. Three-quarters figure. Life-size.

Signed : Cornelius Jansen van Ceulen fecit 10.CC

Canvas,421 2in. by04in.

exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, itM’o. From the Collection of I). P. Sellar, Fsq.. Paris,

M. Jules Forges, Paris.

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